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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Digikala is a well-known and reputable e-commerce platform in Iran. It was founded in 2006 and has since become the largest online retailer in the country. The website offers a wide range of products, including electronics, home appliances, fashion, beauty products, and more. Digikala has gained a strong reputation for its reliable service, diverse product selection, and convenient payment and delivery options. It has also been recognized for its efforts in promoting e-commerce and digital entrepreneurship in Iran. The company has received several awards and accolades for its contributions to the Iranian e-commerce industry. Digikala’s success and popularity have made it a trusted and safe platform for online shopping in Iran. The website is known for its user-friendly interface, secure payment processing, and efficient customer service. It has a large and loyal customer base, and many Iranians rely on Digikala for their online shopping needs. Overall, Digikala is a safe and reputable e-commerce platform that has played a significant role in the growth of online retail in Iran.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable and well-known e-commerce platform in Iran, Largest online retailer in the country, Wide range of products available, Strong reputation for reliable service, Diverse product selection, Convenient payment and delivery options, Recognized for promoting e-commerce and digital entrepreneurship in Iran, Received awards and accolades for contributions to the Iranian e-commerce industry, Trusted and safe platform for online shopping in Iran, User-friendly interface, Secure payment processing, Efficient customer service, Large and loyal customer base, Many Iranians rely on Digikala for their online shopping needs, Significant role in the growth of online retail in Iran.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point