FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Who can use Scamminder to scan websites? Anyone can use Scamminder to scan websites for potential scams. However, additional benefits, including access to our API and other features, are exclusive to registered users.

2. What are the benefits of registering on Scamminder? Registered users have access to our API, can earn points and badges, write in forums, and enjoy other exclusive features. Registration enhances your experience and allows you to contribute more actively to the Scamminder community.

3. How can users earn points and badges? Users can earn points and badges by actively using our services and participating in our community. This includes scanning sites for potential scams and being active in our forums. The more you engage, the more points you earn, leading to higher ranks and badges.

4. How does the point system work for forum activities? Points are awarded for various activities within our forums, such as creating new threads, posting insightful comments, and helping other members. The more valuable your contribution, the more points you earn.

5. Can anyone post in the Scamminder forums? While all visitors can read forum posts, only registered users can create new threads and post comments. We encourage registration to fully participate in our community discussions.

6. What should I do if I encounter a problem with Scamminder? If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team through the ‘Contact Us‘ page. We are here to assist you and will respond as quickly as possible.

7. How accurate is Scamminder’s website scanning? Our AI-powered scanning is highly sophisticated, but like any automated system, it’s not infallible. Results should be used as a guide and complemented with personal judgment and additional research.

8. Will my personal information be safe with Scamminder? Yes, your privacy and data security are our top priorities. Our Privacy Policy provides detailed information on how we handle and protect your data.

9. How often is Scamminder updated? We continually update our AI algorithms and database to ensure accurate and current scanning results. Major updates are announced on our website.

10. Can I share my Scamminder reports with others? Yes, but please ensure that any shared information is used responsibly and in accordance with our Terms of Service.

11. Does Scamminder provide legal advice on scams? No, Scamminder does not offer legal advice. We provide information on potential scams, and users should consult with qualified legal professionals for advice tailored to their specific circumstances.

12. How does the deep analysis scan work? The deep analysis scan provides a thorough review of websites for potential scams, using advanced AI algorithms. However, the results should be used as a guide and are not a substitute for professional advice or due diligence.

13. What is the AI-generated scam score? The AI-generated scam score is an automated evaluation based on our AI algorithms. We do not have direct access to or control over these scores, and they should be used as guidance only.