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Why is the trust score of low? appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in networking equipment. The website offers a wide range of products, including routers, switches, cables, and other networking devices. The site emphasizes the quality and competitive pricing of its products, and it mentions that it provides a guarantee for the items it sells. The website also includes a section for special discounts on selected items, which is a common practice for e-commerce platforms to attract customers.

The website provides detailed information about each product, including specifications, original and discounted prices, and images. This is typical of an e-commerce platform and is intended to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

The site also lists various brands of networking equipment, which is common for a store specializing in this niche. It’s important to note that the presence of well-known and reputable brands can enhance the credibility of an online store.

The website includes contact information for customer support, including a phone number and an email address. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the store is accessible for inquiries and support.

The site mentions that it follows the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, particularly in relation to e-commerce and consumer rights. This is a standard practice for businesses operating in a specific legal jurisdiction.

The website’s design and layout are professional and consistent with e-commerce platforms. It includes a search function, product categories, and a shopping cart, all of which are typical features of online stores.

The site uses HTTPS, which means it has a secure connection. This is important for protecting users’ personal and financial information during online transactions.

The website’s domain has been registered for over a year, which is a positive sign. Legitimate businesses often have longer-standing domain registrations.

The website has been indexed by the Wayback Machine, a digital archive of the World Wide Web, which can provide historical snapshots of the site. This is another indicator of the site’s legitimacy and presence over time.

Overall, based on the information available, appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in networking equipment. However, as with any online purchase, it’s important for customers to exercise caution, conduct their own research, and ensure that they are comfortable with the terms and conditions of the website before making a purchase.”

the reasons behind this review :
Professional website design and layout, Detailed product information, Contact information provided for customer support, Use of HTTPS for secure connection, Presence of well-known networking equipment brands, Mention of compliance with local laws and regulations, Long-standing domain registration, Indexed by the Wayback Machine for historical verification
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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