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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Your Online Choices is a website that provides information and resources for internet users and companies regarding online behavioral advertising (OBA) and online privacy. It is funded by the internet advertising industry and supports a pan-European industry initiative to enhance transparency and control for online behavioral advertising. The website is part of the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and aims to provide users with information about how OBA works, details about cookies, and steps to protect privacy online.

For Internet Users:
The website offers a guide to online behavioral advertising and privacy, explaining how behavioral advertising works, the use of cookies, and how users can protect their privacy online. It provides information about the self-regulatory initiative and the steps taken to enhance transparency and control for online behavioral advertising. Users can also select their location to access specific information relevant to their country.

For Companies:
Your Online Choices also provides information for companies participating in the self-regulatory initiative. It explains the program’s aim to foster transparency in the online advertising environment and deliver consumer-facing information and control solutions regarding the use of data for interest-based advertising. The website emphasizes that these solutions are self-regulatory and do not provide legal compliance, which businesses are responsible for.

Key Features and Information:
The website offers the following key features and information:
– Information for Internet Users: This includes details about behavioral advertising, cookies, and privacy protection measures.
– Location-Specific Information: Users can select their location to access information relevant to their country, demonstrating a commitment to providing tailored information.
– Self-Regulatory Principles: The website outlines the self-regulatory principles for data-driven advertising, including notice, user choice, data security, sensitive segmentation, education, compliance and enforcement, and regular review.
– Industry Support: Your Online Choices highlights the support of various businesses and industry bodies for the self-regulatory initiative.
– Resources for Companies: The website provides resources and information for companies interested in learning more about the self-regulatory program.
– Contact Information: Businesses can find contact details for the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) for further inquiries.
– Copyright and Framework Documents: The website includes copyright information and offers downloadable copies of the European industry self-regulatory framework for data-driven advertising.

Overall, Your Online Choices serves as a valuable resource for both internet users and companies, promoting transparency and user control in online behavioral advertising. It aligns with the efforts of the European Digital Advertising Alliance to enhance privacy and provide information about OBA in a user-friendly and accessible manner.”

the reasons behind this review :
Transparency in online behavioral advertising, Information about cookies and privacy protection, Location-specific information for tailored guidance, Self-regulatory principles for data-driven advertising, Industry support for the self-regulatory initiative, Resources for companies interested in the program, Contact information for further inquiries, Copyright information and downloadable framework documents
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point