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How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website appears to be a legitimate e-commerce site. It is a Shopify-based online store, which is a widely used platform for creating and managing online stores. The site has a valid SSL certificate, which is essential for secure online transactions. The SSL certificate ensures that the data transferred between your web browser and the website's server is encrypted, protecting it from potential eavesdropping or tampering.

The site's domain has been registered for over 9 years, which is a positive indicator of its stability and longevity. Scam websites often have very recent domain registrations or use privacy protection services to hide their registration details.

The website's content also appears to be typical for an e-commerce site, featuring product listings, a shopping cart, and customer login functionality. The presence of a "size chart" is common for clothing or apparel stores, indicating that the site may specialize in these types of products.

The site's use of the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate is a standard practice for many legitimate websites, especially smaller e-commerce businesses. Let's Encrypt is a widely recognized and trusted certificate authority that provides free SSL certificates, making it accessible for a broad range of websites.

The IP address associated with the website ( is also consistent with Shopify's infrastructure. Shopify is a reputable e-commerce platform, and its IP addresses are well-documented as part of their hosting and content delivery network.

The website's location in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, aligns with the known headquarters of Shopify. This further supports the legitimacy of the site, as it is hosted on a well-established and reputable platform.

The use of Cloudflare's services for content delivery and DDoS protection is another positive sign. Cloudflare is a widely used and respected provider of these services, and its involvement can enhance the security and performance of the website.

The presence of a "newsletter sign-up" feature is common for e-commerce sites and can be a legitimate way for customers to receive updates and promotions. However, it's always a good practice to be cautious with providing personal information, and users should ensure that the website's privacy policy is clear and trustworthy.

In summary, based on the available information, appears to be a legitimate e-commerce website. It exhibits several characteristics commonly associated with trustworthy online stores, including a long domain registration history, a valid SSL certificate, and the use of well-known and reputable web infrastructure providers like Shopify and Cloudflare. However, as with any online transaction, it's important for users to exercise caution, especially when providing personal or financial information. Checking for customer reviews and ensuring that the site's policies and contact information are clear and accessible can further help in assessing its trustworthiness."

the reasons behind this review :
Valid SSL certificate, Long domain registration history, Typical e-commerce site content, Use of Let's Encrypt SSL certificate, IP address associated with Shopify, Location in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Use of Cloudflare's services, Presence of newsletter sign-up feature, Use of Shopify as the e-commerce platform
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden