How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members

Why is the trust score of strongly low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website raises several red flags that suggest it may be a scam:

1. **Unrealistic Discounts:** Offering a 20% discount on luxury items like eyewear is uncommon, especially for high-end brands like Celine, Dior, and Prada. Such steep discounts are often a tactic used by scam websites to lure in unsuspecting customers.

2. **Limited Payment Options:** The website only mentions using a discount code and offers worldwide shipping, but it doesn’t provide detailed information about payment methods. Legitimate e-commerce sites typically offer various secure payment options and provide clear instructions on how to use discount codes.

3. **Lack of Detailed Product Information:** The product listings are brief and lack detailed descriptions, which is unusual for a legitimate luxury eyewear retailer. Customers should be provided with comprehensive information about the products, including materials, dimensions, and features.

4. **No Physical Store Address:** While the website mentions a location in Paris, it’s important to verify the existence of a physical store. Scam websites often fabricate addresses or claim to be associated with well-known locations to appear legitimate.

5. **Suspicious Domain Age:** The domain age is listed as “unknown days,” which is a common characteristic of newly created scam websites. Legitimate businesses typically have a longer online presence.

6. **Limited Contact Information:** The website provides an email address but lacks other forms of contact, such as a phone number or live chat support. This can make it difficult for customers to reach the company, especially if they encounter issues with their orders.

7. **Inconsistent Currency Display:** The website claims to have updated prices for visitors from specific countries, such as the United Kingdom and Qatar. This can be a tactic to create a sense of urgency and manipulate visitors into making hasty purchasing decisions.

8. **Social Media Presence:** While the website displays Instagram posts, it’s important to verify the authenticity of these posts and the actual engagement with customers. Scam websites may use fake or stolen social media content to appear legitimate.

9. **Generic Website Design:** The design of the website, including the layout and images, appears generic and lacks the polished look often associated with established luxury brands.

10. **No Verifiable Customer Reviews:** The website lists a few products with a limited number of reviews, but it’s essential to check for reviews on independent platforms to ensure they are genuine and not manipulated by the website.

Given these red flags, it’s advisable to exercise caution when considering making a purchase from Conducting further research, verifying the legitimacy of the business, and looking for customer reviews from trusted sources can help in making an informed decision.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Discounts, Limited Payment Options, Lack of Detailed Product Information, No Physical Store Address, Suspicious Domain Age, Limited Contact Information, Inconsistent Currency Display, Social Media Presence, Generic Website Design, No Verifiable Customer Reviews
Positive Points
Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden