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Why is the trust score of very low? is a website that offers free online streaming of movies and TV shows. It claims to provide high-quality content without the need for a subscription or account creation. However, there are several red flags and potential risks associated with using this site.

1. **Legal and Ethical Concerns:** The website states that it only intends to link to legal videos available on the internet. However, the legality of streaming copyrighted content for free is questionable. Users should be aware that accessing copyrighted material without proper authorization may be illegal in many jurisdictions.

2. **Questionable Business Model:** The website’s claim that it operates on a “net zero profit” and its reliance on proxy servers to stream content from other platforms raise concerns about its sustainability and ethical practices. It’s important to be cautious when using platforms that may not have a clear and legitimate business model.

3. **Financial Risks:** While the website itself may not charge users for access, there are potential financial risks associated with streaming from unverified sources. Users may be exposed to malicious ads, phishing attempts, or other forms of online fraud that could compromise their financial security.

4. **Data Security and Privacy:** Websites offering free streaming services may not prioritize user data security and privacy. There is a risk that personal information could be compromised or used for unauthorized purposes.

5. **Unreliable Content Availability:** The website’s reliance on linking to content available on the web means that the availability of specific movies and TV shows may be inconsistent. Users may encounter broken links, low-quality videos, or content that does not match the website’s descriptions.

6. **Server and Energy Cost Claims:** The website’s claim about the rising energy prices in Europe affecting its servers and the expectation of prices lowering next year may be an attempt to create a false sense of legitimacy. It’s important to critically evaluate such claims, especially when they are not independently verifiable.

7. **Copyright Disclaimer:** The website’s disclaimer that it does not store any files on its server and that all content is provided by non-affiliated third parties is a common tactic used by platforms that host or link to copyrighted material. It does not absolve the website from potential legal liabilities.

8. **Lack of Transparency:** The website’s ownership, operational details, and the source of its content are not transparent. Users should be cautious when engaging with platforms that do not provide clear information about their operations and content sourcing.

9. **Inconsistent Branding:** The use of multiple domain names and branding variations (e.g., 123movies, is a common tactic among websites that engage in questionable or illegal activities. It can make it difficult for users to verify the legitimacy of the platform.

10. **No Guarantee of Content Quality:** While the website claims to offer high-quality videos, there is no guarantee of the actual viewing experience. Users may encounter issues such as buffering, low resolution, or other technical problems.

In conclusion, while may offer a convenient way to access free online streaming content, users should be aware of the potential risks and legal implications. It’s important to prioritize legal and ethical means of accessing entertainment, and to exercise caution when using platforms that operate in a legally gray area.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legal and Ethical Concerns, Questionable Business Model, Financial Risks, Data Security and Privacy, Unreliable Content Availability, Server and Energy Cost Claims, Copyright Disclaimer, Lack of Transparency, Inconsistent Branding, No Guarantee of Content Quality
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden