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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a platform for selling cryptocurrency mining machines. However, several aspects raise concerns about its legitimacy:

1. Domain Age and Archive Age: The domain is relatively young, at 2 years and 5 months. Additionally, the website’s content has been archived by the Wayback Machine, indicating that it may have undergone changes or updates.

2. Domain Whois: The domain’s WHOIS information is hidden, which is often a red flag for legitimate businesses. It makes it difficult to verify the ownership and authenticity of the website.

3. SSL Certificate: The SSL certificate is issued by Let’s Encrypt, which is a widely used certificate authority. However, the use of a DV (Domain Validated) certificate means that the website’s identity has not been extensively verified.

4. Server Location: The website is hosted on a server with the IP address, which is associated with Google Cloud. The server location is in Kansas City, Missouri, United States.

5. Content and Product Offerings: The website primarily promotes various brands of professional ASIC miners, such as Antminer, Whatsminer, Avalon Miner, Goldshell Miner, and others. It claims to be a trusted partner in the pursuit of mining excellence.

6. Contact Information: The website provides contact details, including a phone number, WhatsApp number, and email address. However, the use of generic email addresses (e.g., can be a sign of unprofessionalism.

7. Payment Methods and Currency: The website mentions that it accepts payment in USD, BTC (Bitcoin), USDC (USD Coin), and USDT (Tether). The inclusion of cryptocurrency payments is common in the context of mining-related platforms.

8. Product Descriptions: Detailed descriptions of specific mining machines, including their hashrates, power consumption, and other technical specifications, are provided.

9. Purchasing Instructions: The website offers instructions for purchasing, including information about delivery batches and payment methods.

10. Social Media and Communication Channels: The website encourages visitors to join their Telegram group and provides a link for signing up to receive updates and offers.

11. Copyright Date: The copyright notice at the bottom of the website indicates the year 2025, which may be an attempt to appear more established or authoritative than it actually is.

Reasons for Concern:

Hidden WHOIS Information: Legitimate businesses typically provide transparent WHOIS information for their domains. The lack of this information can be a red flag.
Use of Cryptocurrency Payments: While accepting cryptocurrency is not inherently suspicious, it is often associated with high-risk or unregulated industries.
Generic Email Address: Professional businesses usually use domain-specific email addresses rather than generic ones.
Copyright Date Discrepancy: The use of a future copyright date (2025) can be misleading and is not standard practice.
Highly Technical Product Descriptions: The detailed technical specifications of the mining machines may be an attempt to appear legitimate, but they can also be used to confuse or impress visitors.
Encouragement to Join Telegram Group: While having a Telegram group is not unusual, the emphasis on joining it for discounts can be a marketing tactic commonly used by less reputable businesses.
Lack of Independent Reviews: The website’s reliance on its own ratings and reviews, without independent verification, is a potential concern.
Fluctuating Market Prices Disclaimer: The disclaimer about rapidly fluctuating market prices can be used to justify price changes or discrepancies.
Auction Section: The presence of an auction section on the website can be a tactic to create a sense of urgency and encourage quick, impulsive purchases.
Limited Information About the Company: While the website mentions its commitment to customer care and value creation, there is limited verifiable information about the company’s history, team, or track record.


Based on the information available, the website exhibits several characteristics that are commonly associated with high-risk or potentially untrustworthy platforms in the cryptocurrency and mining industry. It is advisable to exercise caution and conduct thorough research, including seeking independent reviews and verifying the legitimacy of the company, before engaging in any transactions or investments through this website.”

the reasons behind this review :
Hidden WHOIS Information, Use of Cryptocurrency Payments, Generic Email Address, Copyright Date Discrepancy, Highly Technical Product Descriptions, Encouragement to Join Telegram Group, Lack of Independent Reviews, Fluctuating Market Prices Disclaimer, Auction Section, Limited Information About the Company
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  High gap ratio (0.61) for older domain

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

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