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How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be a legitimate business website for WETAG Consulting, a real estate company based in Switzerland. The website provides information about the company's services, team, and listings of luxury properties.

The website has a professional design and includes typical features of a real estate company website, such as property listings, information about the company, and contact details. The use of a professional domain name ( and the presence of an SSL certificate for secure browsing are positive indicators.

It's important to note that while the website itself appears to be legitimate, it's always advisable to exercise caution when dealing with any online business, especially in the real estate industry. Here are some general tips for evaluating the legitimacy of a real estate website:

1. Verify the Company's Existence: Look for independent confirmation of the company's existence, such as business registrations, physical office locations, and professional affiliations.
2. Check for Reviews and Testimonials: Search for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the company's reputation and the quality of its services.
3. Contact the Company Directly: If you're interested in a property or service, consider contacting the company directly through verified contact information to confirm their legitimacy.
4. Be Wary of Unrealistic Offers: Exercise caution if the website promotes unrealistic or overly enticing offers, as these can be red flags for potential scams.
5. Use Secure Payment Methods: When making any financial transactions, ensure that you use secure and reputable payment methods to protect your personal and financial information.

By following these general guidelines and conducting thorough research, you can make more informed decisions when engaging with real estate companies, whether online or in person."

the reasons behind this review :
Professional design and content, Use of a professional domain name (, Presence of an SSL certificate for secure browsing, Typical features of a real estate company website, Tips for evaluating the legitimacy of a real estate website, Verify the Company's Existence, Check for Reviews and Testimonials, Contact the Company Directly, Be Wary of Unrealistic Offers, Use Secure Payment Methods
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden