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Why is the trust score of very high? is a website that offers a free, customizable, and responsive weather widget that can be embedded into any website. It provides a simple interface for users to select the location, customize the appearance, and generate the code to be inserted into their own web pages. The widget is designed to be easy to use and versatile, fitting into various website layouts and adapting to different screen sizes, including mobile devices.

The website emphasizes several key features of its weather widget:

Free: The widget is available for use in any website, whether personal or commercial, without the need for signing up or providing an email address.
Customizable: Users can personalize various aspects of the widget, such as the label, font, number of forecast days, and colors.
Responsive: The widget is designed to adapt to the size of its container, making it suitable for different website layouts and devices.
Compatibility: It is stated to be compatible with modern web browsers, including Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera, as well as major mobile browsers.
Multilingual: The widget supports multiple languages, with a promise of more languages being added in the future.
The website also provides a tutorial for adding the weather widget to a website, highlighting the simplicity of the process.

Terms of Service and Limitations:
The website’s Terms of Service specify that the free widget is intended for use on websites accessible through standard web browsers. It is not intended for use in digital signage, mobile apps, or other applications, unless a pro version is obtained.
The widget does not automatically display weather information based on the visitor’s location. Users need to define the location(s) for which they want to display weather information when creating the widget.
The website offers documentation for the weather widget, providing detailed descriptions of the available fields and options for customization.
The widget is powered by data from OpenWeather, and the website includes a copyright notice for the domain.
Overall, appears to be a legitimate and useful resource for website owners and developers who want to add a customizable weather widget to their sites. The emphasis on simplicity, customization, and compatibility with different platforms and languages makes it a convenient tool for enhancing the user experience on various websites.”

the reasons behind this review :
Free to use in any website, customizable, responsive design, compatible with modern browsers, multilingual support, tutorial for easy integration, limitations on use for digital signage and mobile apps, user-defined location for weather display, documentation available, powered by OpenWeather data, copyright notice for the domain.
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden