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Why is the trust score of high? is a legitimate platform that offers microtasking opportunities to earn money by completing small online tasks. It is a crowdsourcing platform that connects businesses with a distributed workforce to perform various tasks that require human intelligence. The tasks can include data labeling, image classification, text transcription, and more. Toloka is owned and operated by Yandex, a reputable Russian multinational corporation known for its expertise in technology and internet-related services. Yandex is a publicly traded company listed on the Moscow Exchange and the NASDAQ. The platform has been in operation for several years and has a large user base, including both task performers (Tolokers) and businesses or researchers who require human input for their projects. Toloka provides a legitimate way for individuals to earn money online by leveraging their skills and time to complete tasks that are difficult for computers to perform accurately. The platform’s tasks contribute to the development and improvement of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, making it a valuable resource for businesses and researchers. Toloka’s reputation and the backing of a well-established technology company like Yandex add to its credibility as a legitimate and trustworthy platform for online microtasking. It’s important to note that while Toloka offers opportunities to earn money, the income potential may vary based on factors such as task availability, individual performance, and the time and effort invested. As with any online earning opportunity, it’s advisable to approach it with realistic expectations and to familiarize yourself with the platform’s terms and conditions, payment structure, and user guidelines. Additionally, it’s always a good practice to verify the legitimacy of any online platform by researching user reviews, company background, and industry reputation. Overall, is a legitimate platform for microtasking and can provide a source of income for individuals interested in performing online tasks in exchange for payment.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate platform, Owned and operated by Yandex, A reputable Russian multinational corporation, Publicly traded company, Listed on the Moscow Exchange and the NASDAQ, Large user base, Task performers and businesses or researchers, Offers opportunities to earn money, Tasks contribute to the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, Credible and trustworthy platform, Income potential may vary, Realistic expectations, Familiarize with terms and conditions, Payment structure, User guidelines, Verify legitimacy through research, User reviews, Company background, Industry reputation, Source of income for performing online tasks
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden