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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the nature of the "gmecoin" being promoted raise several red flags:

1. **Unverifiable Claims:** The website makes grandiose claims about the "gmecoin" being a movement and a display of the digital community's power, but it lacks substantial evidence or credible sources to support these claims.

2. **Association with GameStop:** While the website mentions GameStop and the GameStop short squeeze, it's important to note that the actual GameStop company is not affiliated with this "gmecoin." Using the name of a well-known company or event to promote a cryptocurrency can be a common tactic in scams.

3. **Highly Speculative Language:** The website uses language that is common in speculative and potentially misleading investment promotions, such as "ride to the moon" and "we are the new standard." These phrases can be indicative of pump-and-dump schemes.

4. **Decentralization Claims:** The website emphasizes the decentralized and democratic nature of the "gmecoin," but it's essential to verify these claims independently. Many fraudulent schemes use the concept of decentralization to create a false sense of security.

5. **Complex Purchase Process:** The detailed steps for purchasing the "gmecoin" using specific wallets and addresses can be a way to obfuscate the actual process and make it harder for potential investors to track their transactions.

6. **Phantom Wallet:** The website specifically recommends using the Phantom wallet, which could be an attempt to steer users towards a particular platform for potentially malicious reasons.

7. **Lack of Regulatory Compliance:** There is no mention of regulatory compliance or oversight, which is a significant concern when dealing with any form of investment, especially in the cryptocurrency space.

8. **Disclaimers and Legal Information:** The website should have clear disclaimers and legal information, especially regarding the risks involved in investing in a new cryptocurrency.

9. **No Promise of Future Value:** While the website includes a disclaimer that there is no promise of future value, this does not absolve it from potential fraudulent or misleading practices.

10. **Use of Memes and Slogans:** The use of memes and slogans related to the GameStop saga can be a tactic to appeal to a specific audience, but it can also be a way to distract from the lack of substantive information about the "gmecoin."

11. **Unsubstantiated Claims of Security:** The website mentions basic wallet security and hardware cold storage without providing detailed information or evidence of the security measures in place.

12. **Encouragement of Community Engagement:** While community engagement can be positive, it can also be used to create a sense of legitimacy and trust without actual substance behind the project.

13. **No Affiliation with GameStop:** The disclaimer that the website is not affiliated with or endorsed by GameStop Inc. is important to note, as it underscores the separation between the "gmecoin" and the actual GameStop company.

It's important to approach any investment opportunity, especially in the volatile and often speculative world of cryptocurrencies, with extreme caution. Conduct thorough research, seek advice from financial professionals, and be wary of any investment that relies heavily on hype, memes, or unverifiable claims."

the reasons behind this review :
Unverifiable Claims, Association with GameStop, Highly Speculative Language, Decentralization Claims, Complex Purchase Process, Phantom Wallet, Lack of Regulatory Compliance, Disclaimers and Legal Information, No Promise of Future Value, Use of Memes and Slogans, Unsubstantiated Claims of Security, Encouragement of Community Engagement, No Affiliation with GameStop
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.