How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members

Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website raises several red flags that are typical of scam sites:

Unrealistic Earning Claims: The promise of earning 0.60 EUR per minute of watching promotional videos is highly unrealistic. Legitimate online earning opportunities rarely pay this much for such simple tasks.

High Referral Bonuses: Offering 40% of the earnings of referred users is unusually high and often a tactic used by pyramid schemes to attract more participants.

Newcomer Bonus: Instantly receiving a 50 EUR newcomer bonus is a common tactic used by scam sites to lure in new users.

Super Offers: The claim of automatically receiving 500 EUR for every 30 people registered and brought by the user is a classic pyramid scheme tactic.

Overly Positive User Reviews: The user reviews on the site are overly positive and lack specific details, which is a common tactic used by scam sites to create a false sense of trust.

Inconsistent Payment Methods: The mention of adding the Payoneer payment system, while also displaying a list of countries and employees with their paid-out amounts, seems inconsistent and unprofessional.

Unverifiable Payment Proof: The list of last payments with employee names and amounts is likely fabricated and cannot be independently verified.

High Payouts to Unlikely Countries: The listed high payouts to countries like Cuba, Madagascar, and Mauritania are highly suspicious, as these are not typically known for high online earning opportunities.

Repetitive Content: The repetition of the same content, including the super offer of receiving 500 EUR for every 30 referrals, is a common tactic used by scam sites to create a sense of urgency and excitement.

Overall, the combination of these red flags strongly suggests that is a scam site. It’s important to be extremely cautious and skeptical of any online earning opportunity that makes such unrealistic claims and uses high-pressure tactics to attract users.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Earning Claims, High Referral Bonuses, Newcomer Bonus, Super Offers, Overly Positive User Reviews, Inconsistent Payment Methods, Unverifiable Payment Proof, High Payouts to Unlikely Countries, Repetitive Content
Positive Points
Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden