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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The content provided for the website ‘’ is in Persian, and it appears to be a list of various electronic and home appliances for sale. However, there are several red flags and reasons to be cautious:

1. Unprofessional Website Design: The website design is not professional and lacks the typical features of a trustworthy e-commerce platform. There are no clear product categories, detailed product descriptions, or customer reviews.

2. Unrealistic Discounts: The listed prices and discounts seem unrealistic for high-quality electronic and home appliances. Such significant discounts on multiple products are uncommon and can be a tactic used by fraudulent websites to lure in customers.

3. Lack of Contact Information: Legitimate e-commerce websites usually provide detailed contact information, including a physical address, phone number, and email. The absence of this information raises concerns about the legitimacy of the website.

4. No Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy: Trustworthy e-commerce websites have clear terms and conditions and a privacy policy to protect the rights and privacy of their customers. The absence of these documents is a red flag.

5. No Secure Payment Options: The website should offer secure payment options, such as credit card processing or trusted third-party payment gateways. The absence of these options can be a sign of a scam.

6. Poor Language and Grammar: The use of poor language and grammar in the content can be indicative of a lack of professionalism and attention to detail, which is common in scam websites.

7. No Verifiable Reviews or Testimonials: Legitimate e-commerce platforms often feature customer reviews and testimonials to build trust. The absence of these on the website is a concern.

8. Hidden Domain Whois Information: The fact that the domain whois information is hidden is another red flag. Legitimate businesses typically provide transparent information about their domain registration.

9. High-Risk Server Location: The server location in Shiraz, Iran, may not be a typical choice for hosting an international e-commerce website, and it can be associated with higher risk.

10. No Information on Return and Refund Policies: Legitimate e-commerce websites have clear policies for returns and refunds. The absence of this information is concerning.

Given these red flags, it’s advisable to exercise extreme caution when considering any transactions on this website. It’s recommended to thoroughly research the website, look for independent reviews, and consider alternative, more established platforms for purchasing electronic and home appliances.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unprofessional Website Design, Unrealistic Discounts, Lack of Contact Information, No Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, No Secure Payment Options, Poor Language and Grammar, No Verifiable Reviews or Testimonials, Hidden Domain Whois Information, High-Risk Server Location, No Information on Return and Refund Policies
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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