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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website ‘’ claims to be a shipping and delivery company, specifically focusing on ship management services. However, several red flags and inconsistencies can be identified, which raise concerns about the legitimacy of this website.

1. **Lack of Detailed Information:** The website provides very limited and repetitive information about its services, with a heavy emphasis on generic statements about being a leading provider of ship management services. There is a lack of specific details about the company’s operations, fleet, and track record.

2. **Unverifiable Claims:** The website makes several bold claims, such as having 2480+ satisfied clients, 25k+ satisfied clients, and 2100+ completed deliveries. However, these numbers are presented without any evidence or verifiable references.

3. **Generic Content:** The content on the website is highly generic and lacks the depth and specificity expected from a legitimate shipping company. It repeatedly uses phrases like ‘leading provider of ship management services’ without providing concrete examples or case studies.

4. **Limited Contact Information:** While the website provides a phone number and email address for contact, there is no physical address or detailed information about the company’s headquarters or regional offices.

5. **Inconsistent Branding:** The website uses the name ‘Veteran Shipping Limited’ in some places and ‘Veteran Shipping Co. Ltd.’ in others. This inconsistency in branding can be a sign of unprofessionalism or lack of attention to detail.

6. **Unsubstantiated Awards:** The claim of being a ’15+ awards winner’ is not backed up with any specific information about the awards received or the organizations granting them.

7. **Vague Testimonials:** The testimonials provided on the website lack specific details and are attributed to generic names like ‘John Doe’ and ‘Jane Salima.’ Legitimate testimonials typically include full names and, in some cases, affiliations.

8. **Unprofessional Language:** The use of placeholder text like ‘dolore magna aliqua’ and ‘risus commodo viverra’ in the ‘Trusted Franchise’ section is unprofessional and suggests that the website may not have been thoroughly reviewed or edited.

9. **New Domain Registration:** The domain ‘’ was registered relatively recently, which is not uncommon for fraudulent or unestablished websites.

10. **No Verifiable Company Information:** Despite claiming to have a long history since 1982, the website lacks verifiable information about the company’s leadership, history, and specific projects.

11. **Unsubstantiated Global Presence:** The claim of having offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia is not backed up with specific addresses or verifiable information.

12. **Unrealistic Goodness Claims:** The section titled ‘Our Goodness’ makes vague and unrealistic claims about the company’s reliability, punctuality, and customer support without providing any evidence.

13. **No Evidence of Industry Recognition:** Despite claiming to be a significant player in the shipping industry, there is no evidence of the company’s recognition by industry authorities or associations.

14. **No Information on Compliance and Safety:** Legitimate shipping companies often provide detailed information about their compliance with international maritime regulations and their commitment to safety and environmental protection. This information is notably absent.

15. **No Evidence of Industry Partnerships:** Established shipping companies often have partnerships with industry organizations, suppliers, and other stakeholders. The website does not provide any information about such partnerships.

16. **No Evidence of Technological Innovation:** The claim of using innovative technology to improve customer experience is not supported by any specific examples or information about the company’s technological capabilities.

17. **No Evidence of Community Engagement:** Legitimate shipping companies often engage with local communities and have corporate social responsibility initiatives. There is no mention of such activities on the website.

18. **No Evidence of Financial Stability:** Established shipping companies typically provide financial reports or information about their financial stability. This is absent from the website.

In conclusion, the website ‘’ exhibits several characteristics commonly associated with fraudulent or untrustworthy websites. The lack of specific and verifiable information, along with generic content and unprofessional language, raises significant doubts about the legitimacy of this company. Individuals should exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any services or providing personal information to this website.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Detailed Information, Unverifiable Claims, Generic Content, Limited Contact Information, Inconsistent Branding, Unsubstantiated Awards, Vague Testimonials, Unprofessional Language, New Domain Registration, No Verifiable Company Information, Unsubstantiated Global Presence, Unrealistic Goodness Claims, No Evidence of Industry Recognition, No Information on Compliance and Safety, No Evidence of Industry Partnerships, No Evidence of Technological Innovation, No Evidence of Community Engagement, No Evidence of Financial Stability
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

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