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Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website's content raises several red flags:

1. Unrealistic Claims: The website claims to be a community-driven project aiming to create a privacy-respecting ecosystem. However, the scale and scope of their projects, especially for a small community, seem unrealistic. They claim to be developing a search engine, browser, maps, and AI chat, which are highly ambitious for a small project.

2. Lack of Credible Information: The website lacks specific details about the team, their expertise, or any verifiable credentials. Legitimate projects usually provide transparent information about their team and their qualifications.

3. Overemphasis on Free Services: While offering free services is not inherently suspicious, the repeated emphasis on everything being free can be a tactic to attract users without a clear sustainable business model. It's important to understand how the project sustains itself financially.

4. Donation Requests: The website encourages donations, which is not uncommon for community projects. However, the lack of transparency about how these donations will be used and the absence of a clear financial plan is concerning.

5. Unrealistic Privacy Claims: The website claims to provide complete privacy and anonymity, which is extremely challenging to achieve, especially for services like search engines and AI chat. It's important to critically evaluate such claims.

6. Vague Language and Ambiguity: The website uses vague and ambiguous language, which can make it difficult to understand the actual goals and operations of the project.

7. Unrealistic Scope of Volunteer Opportunities: While it's common for community projects to seek volunteers, the extensive list of roles and the promise of future paid positions can be a red flag, especially for a small and relatively new project.

8. Lack of Clear Governance: The website mentions democratic decision-making and financial transparency, but there's no clear information on how this is implemented. Legitimate community projects often have well-defined governance structures.

9. Contradictory Statements: The website mentions being a protest against data collection by big companies and governments, but it's unclear how they plan to achieve this and what legal or technical measures they have in place.

10. Inconsistent and Unprofessional Language: The use of informal and inconsistent language, including grammatical errors, can detract from the professionalism of the website.

It's important to approach such projects with caution and conduct thorough research before getting involved or making any financial contributions. Look for verifiable information, clear business models, and realistic goals and achievements."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Claims, Lack of Credible Information, Overemphasis on Free Services, Donation Requests, Unrealistic Privacy Claims, Vague Language and Ambiguity, Unrealistic Scope of Volunteer Opportunities, Lack of Clear Governance, Contradictory Statements, Inconsistent and Unprofessional Language
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden