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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content provided seems to be unrelated to the domain name and suggests a generic template or placeholder content. The domain name “” implies a connection to US visas, but the content is about architecture and design, which is a significant mismatch. This discrepancy is a common tactic used by fraudulent or deceptive websites to appear legitimate while actually being unrelated to their claimed purpose. It’s a red flag for potential scam or phishing activity. Additionally, the website’s use of a generic WordPress template and a lack of specific, detailed information about the purported services or products further raises suspicions. Legitimate businesses or organizations typically provide clear and detailed information about their offerings, which is lacking in this case. The website’s short domain age of 9 months and 11 days is also a potential concern. While it’s not uncommon for new businesses to establish an online presence, it does increase the risk, especially when combined with other suspicious factors. The use of a free SSL certificate from ZeroSSL, while not inherently indicative of a scam, is another element that, when combined with the other factors, contributes to the overall risk assessment. Legitimate businesses often invest in more robust SSL certificates to enhance security and trust. The lack of significant web traffic, as indicated by a Tranco rank of 0, is also a concern. Established and reputable websites typically have some level of traffic, especially if they are offering services or products. The absence of any significant online presence or history is a red flag. The relatively recent capture on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, with an archive age of 35 days, is consistent with the short domain age and lack of online history. Legitimate websites often have a longer history of captures, which can provide more insight into their development and content over time. The server information provided, showing the location and hosting details, is not inherently indicative of a scam. However, it’s important to note that scammers can use various hosting services and locations, so this information alone does not determine the legitimacy of the website. In summary, based on the provided information, the website “” raises several red flags that suggest a high risk of being a scam or deceptive website. These include the significant mismatch between the domain name and the content, the use of a generic WordPress template, the lack of detailed information about the purported services, the short domain age, the use of a free SSL certificate, the absence of significant web traffic, and the recent capture on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. It’s important to exercise caution and further investigate the website before engaging with it, especially for any sensitive or financial transactions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Mismatch between domain name and content, Use of a generic WordPress template, Lack of detailed information about services, Short domain age, Use of a free SSL certificate, Absence of significant web traffic, Recent capture on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new