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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content you provided is highly suspicious and likely part of a phishing scam. Here are the reasons:

1. **URL**: The URL is not a legitimate USPS domain. The official USPS website is The presence of additional subdomains ( in the URL is a red flag.

2. **Content**: The message on the website, especially the urgent request to go to a bank app for confirmation, is a common tactic used in phishing scams. Legitimate organizations, including USPS, typically do not ask customers to confirm information through third-party banking apps.

3. **Grammar and Spelling**: The use of "authorization" and "banco autorizado" (authorized bank) in the message, along with the repetition of "banco autorizado," is unusual and could be an attempt to appear official while confusing potential victims.

4. **Contact Information**: The lack of legitimate contact information or links to official USPS resources is a significant red flag. Legitimate websites, especially those of well-established organizations like USPS, typically provide clear contact information and links to their official pages.

5. **Urgency and Warning**: The urgent tone and warning not to close the page are common tactics in phishing scams to pressure individuals into taking immediate action without thinking critically.

6. **Domain Age and Whois Information**: The fact that the domain age and whois information are hidden or unavailable is another red flag. Legitimate websites, especially those of well-known organizations, typically have transparent domain registration information.

7. **SSL Information**: The absence of clear SSL information, including the organization and issuer, is unusual for a legitimate website, especially one that deals with sensitive information like package delivery.

8. **Server Information**: The server information provided, including the IP address and location, may not align with official USPS servers.

Given these reasons, it's highly advisable to avoid interacting with the website you mentioned. Instead, if you have concerns about a package delivery from USPS, it's best to directly visit the official USPS website ( or contact their customer service through verified channels."

the reasons behind this review :
Suspicious URL, Urgent and Unusual Content, Grammar and Spelling Errors, Lack of Contact Information, Urgency and Warning, Hidden Domain Age and Whois Information, Absence of Clear SSL Information, Unusual Server Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden