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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website offers various services related to promoting content on different platforms, such as Reddit, Behance, and Instagram. It claims to provide services like buying upvotes, likes, and followers at specific prices. The website also lists several payment methods, including PayPal, credit and debit cards, cryptocurrencies, Skrill, and Payoneer. However, there are several red flags and reasons to be cautious about this website:

1. **Unrealistic Services**: Offering to sell a large number of upvotes, likes, or followers for a very low price is often a sign of a scam. Genuine promotion services usually involve more organic and targeted growth, which cannot be guaranteed in such large quantities for a minimal cost.

2. **Violates Platform Policies**: Many platforms, including Reddit and Instagram, have strict policies against buying or artificially inflating engagement metrics. Using such services can lead to account suspension or banning.

3. **Lack of Transparency**: The website does not provide clear information about how it delivers the promised services, the methods used, or the potential risks to the buyer’s accounts.

4. **Payment Methods**: While the website lists several payment methods, the inclusion of cryptocurrencies and other less traceable forms of payment can be a red flag, as they are often used in fraudulent or illicit transactions.

5. **No Verifiable Testimonials or Reviews**: The website does not provide authentic, verifiable testimonials or reviews from previous clients, which is common for legitimate businesses.

6. **Unprofessional Website Design**: The website’s design and layout appear unprofessional, with grammatical errors and inconsistent formatting, which is not typical of reputable businesses.

7. **High-Risk Payment Processors**: While the website claims to use secure and fast payment processors, the inclusion of lesser-known or high-risk processors like Skrill and Payoneer can be a cause for concern.

8. **Copyright Date**: The copyright date mentioned on the website (2024) is in the future, which is a clear indication of false information.

9. **Domain Age and Archive Age**: The domain has been active for over five years, but the content and services offered may have changed over time. The fact that the website has been archived for over 1,500 days suggests that its content has been consistent for a long time, which is unusual for a legitimate business.

10. **Cloudflare SSL**: While the website has a Cloudflare SSL certificate, which provides basic security for data transfer, it does not guarantee the legitimacy of the business or the safety of transactions.

Based on these red flags, it is advisable to exercise extreme caution when considering using the services of It is highly recommended to thoroughly research and verify the legitimacy of any online service, especially those related to social media promotion and digital marketing, to avoid potential scams or account risks.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Services, Violates Platform Policies, Lack of Transparency, Payment Methods, No Verifiable Testimonials or Reviews, Unprofessional Website Design, High-Risk Payment Processors, Copyright Date, Domain Age and Archive Age, Cloudflare SSL
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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