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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Interexcel World Connection (IEWC) is a comprehensive digital technology and internet service provider based in Pretoria, South Africa. They offer a range of services including internet connectivity, VoIP solutions, and Linux server support. Their focus is on providing personalized and professional service to clients.

Services Offered:

Internet Connectivity: IEWC offers various internet connectivity solutions tailored to user needs, location, type of connection, budget, and required speeds. They cover a wide area in South Africa and provide detailed information about their rates and offerings.
VoIP Solutions: Whether for home, small business, or large enterprise, IEWC offers VoIP solutions with multiple extensions, security features, and other specialized telephony needs.
Linux Server Solutions: They provide Linux server solutions for businesses with advanced networking requirements, aiming to improve stability, security, and flexibility.
Happy Customers: The website features testimonials from satisfied customers, highlighting prompt assistance, fast service, and excellent technical support.
About the Company:
IEWC was established in April 2000 and is committed to producing high-quality work while upholding stringent moral and ethical values. They aim to provide honest, swift, and affordable connectivity, striving to eliminate the perception of low-quality, high-cost connectivity in South Africa.
Key Personnel:
Jaco Kroon, CEO: Jaco Kroon is the CEO of IEWC and brings extensive technical expertise and a comprehensive understanding of the company’s services and products. He is also the CEO of Ultimate Linux Solutions, the parent company of IEWC.
Jan de Boer, Operations Manager: Jan de Boer, the Chief Technical Officer, oversees the technical aspects of IEWC. He has managerial experience across industries and a strong background in network administration, software testing, and tech support.
Company Vision:
The company’s vision is to provide personal and professional service to clients, offering what they pay for honestly, swiftly, and affordably. They aim to change the perception of connectivity in South Africa and ensure that clients receive high-quality, cost-effective services.
Overall, Interexcel World Connection (IEWC) appears to be a legitimate and established technology and internet service provider with a focus on personalized service and high-quality offerings.”

the reasons behind this review :
Established in 2000, Offers internet connectivity, VoIP solutions, and Linux server support, Focuses on personalized and professional service, Aims to provide honest, swift, and affordable connectivity, Strives to change the perception of connectivity in South Africa, CEO has extensive technical expertise, Operations Manager has diverse technical background, Positive testimonials from satisfied customers
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Positive reviews are more than negative reviews

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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Total 1 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
