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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website is a Russian news website that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, economy, culture, and society. It is owned and operated by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “International Information Agency “Russia Today” (FGUP “IIA “Rossiya Segodnya”), which is a Russian government-owned news agency. The website is available in Russian and English, and it provides news and analysis from a Russian perspective.

The website’s content is known for its pro-Russian and anti-Western stance, and it often presents news and opinions that align with the Russian government’s official positions. This can include coverage of international events, particularly those involving Russia and its relations with other countries, as well as domestic Russian news.

It’s important to note that the website’s editorial line and ownership have implications for its credibility and potential bias. As a state-owned media outlet, is subject to the editorial control and influence of the Russian government. This can impact the objectivity and independence of its reporting, as it may prioritize the promotion of the Russian government’s narratives and interests.

When evaluating the reliability of information from, it’s essential to consider its political context and the potential for bias. Users should be aware that the website’s content may reflect the perspectives and priorities of the Russian government, and it’s advisable to seek out diverse sources and critical analysis to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the issues covered.

In summary, is a Russian news website owned by the state-run media agency “Russia Today.” Its content is known for its pro-Russian and anti-Western perspective, and it is subject to the editorial control and influence of the Russian government. Users should approach its reporting with awareness of potential bias and seek out alternative sources for a well-rounded view of the news.”

the reasons behind this review :
Pro-Russian and anti-Western stance, State-owned media outlet, Editorial control and influence of the Russian government, Potential bias and lack of independence, Promotion of Russian government's narratives and interests, Need for diverse sources and critical analysis
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden