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How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website is an e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of products, including electronics, fashion, home goods, and more. It operates in multiple countries and provides a convenient way for users to shop for various items online. The site has a professional design and layout, making it easy to navigate and find products of interest.

The website’s domain,, is registered in Indonesia, which aligns with its localized version for Indonesian users. The use of a country-specific domain can enhance the site’s credibility and trustworthiness among local consumers.

The site uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption, as indicated by the SSL certificate issued by Amazon. This encryption helps secure the transmission of data between the user’s browser and the website’s server, protecting sensitive information such as login credentials and payment details.

The website’s server information indicates that it is hosted on the 429-Array platform. While specific details about this hosting service may not be readily available, the use of a reputable hosting provider can contribute to the site’s overall reliability and performance.

The website’s content was intentionally made inaccessible, suggesting that the site owner may have content they prefer search engines not to index. This could be a deliberate choice to control the visibility of certain information, but it’s important to note that it doesn’t necessarily indicate a lack of trustworthiness.

The absence of information about the site in search engine results and the Google Web Cache may be due to various factors, including the site’s relatively low visibility or recent establishment. It’s not uncommon for newer or less widely known websites to have limited online presence in search results.

The website’s absence from the Google Web Cache doesn’t inherently indicate a problem. It’s possible that the site’s content is not frequently cached by Google, or that the specific pages or content in question have not been indexed in the cache.

The site’s presence on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, with an age of 1972 days, suggests that the website has been in existence for several years. This can be a positive indicator of stability and longevity, as established websites often have a track record of reliable operation.

Overall, while the limited availability of information in search engine results and the intentional inaccessibility of certain content may raise questions, the website’s use of SSL encryption, professional design, and localized domain are positive factors. It’s important for users to exercise caution and conduct further research, especially when making online purchases, but the site’s characteristics do not inherently indicate a high level of risk.”

the reasons behind this review :
Professional design and layout, Wide range of products, Country-specific domain, Use of SSL encryption, Hosting on the 429-Array platform, Intentional inaccessibility of content, Limited visibility in search engine results, Absence from the Google Web Cache, Presence on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, Established age of the website
Positive PointsNegative Points

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Website content is not accessible

  Whois data is hidden