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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be a news and media platform, likely focused on Slovakian or Central European news and current events. The content includes references to political figures, government actions, and other news topics.

Based on the content provided, it seems to be a legitimate news website. However, it’s important to note that the legitimacy and trustworthiness of a news source can be influenced by various factors, including its editorial standards, adherence to journalistic ethics, and potential biases.

Here are some general considerations for evaluating the credibility of a news website:

1. Editorial Standards: Check if the website has a clearly stated editorial policy, fact-checking processes, and standards for accuracy and fairness in reporting.

2. Authorship: Look for bylines and author information on articles. Established news sources typically provide clear attribution for their content.

3. Multiple Sources: Reliable news stories often cite multiple sources and provide diverse perspectives on a given topic.

4. Transparency: Legitimate news websites are transparent about their ownership, funding, and any potential conflicts of interest.

5. Professional Design: While not a definitive indicator, professional and well-maintained website design can be a sign of a credible news source.

6. Fact-Checking: Cross-check the information provided with other reputable news outlets to verify its accuracy.

7. User Reviews: If available, consider looking for user reviews or ratings of the website’s content and reliability.

It’s important to approach news consumption critically and be aware of the potential for misinformation or biased reporting, especially in the current digital media landscape. If you have specific concerns about the trustworthiness of a news source, consider seeking out alternative perspectives and fact-checking the information provided.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be a news and media platform, likely focused on Slovakian or Central European news and current events. The content includes references to political figures, government actions, and other news topics.

Based on the content provided, it seems to be a legitimate news website. However, it's important to note that the legitimacy and trustworthiness of a news source can be influenced by various factors, including its editorial standards, adherence to journalistic ethics, and potential biases.

Here are some general considerations for evaluating the credibility of a news website:

1. **Editorial Standards:** Check if the website has a clearly stated editorial policy, fact-checking processes, and standards for accuracy and fairness in reporting.

2. **Authorship:** Look for bylines and author information on articles. Established news sources typically provide clear attribution for their content.

3. **Multiple Sources:** Reliable news stories often cite multiple sources and provide diverse perspectives on a given topic.

4. **Transparency:** Legitimate news websites are transparent about their ownership, funding, and any potential conflicts of interest.

5. **Professional Design:** While not a definitive indicator, professional and well-maintained website design can be a sign of a credible news source.

6. **Fact-Checking:** Cross-check the information provided with other reputable news outlets to verify its accuracy.

7. **User Reviews:** If available, consider looking for user reviews or ratings of the website's content and reliability.

It's important to approach news consumption critically and be aware of the potential for misinformation or biased reporting, especially in the current digital media landscape. If you have specific concerns about the trustworthiness of a news source, consider seeking out alternative perspectives and fact-checking the information provided.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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