How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content is in Arabic and mentions services related to personal and corporate assistance, legal consultations, and business support. It also includes testimonials from supposed clients. However, several red flags indicate that this website might be a scam:

Unprofessional Website: The website’s design and content appear unprofessional and lack credibility. Legitimate businesses typically invest in a well-designed and informative website.

Lack of Detailed Information: The website provides limited information about the company, its history, and its team. Legitimate businesses usually offer comprehensive details to build trust.

Unverifiable Testimonials: The testimonials provided on the website are generic and lack specific details. Legitimate testimonials usually include verifiable information about the clients.

Unrealistic Promises: The website makes unrealistic promises, such as guaranteed success in various services and significant discounts. Legitimate businesses do not make such absolute claims.

Poor Language and Grammar: The use of poor language and grammar in the content is a common trait of scam websites. Legitimate businesses maintain professional and well-edited content.

No Physical Address or Contact Information: Legitimate businesses typically provide a physical address and multiple contact options for customer support. The lack of this information is suspicious.

Inconsistent Branding: The website’s branding and design elements may appear inconsistent or unprofessional, which is uncommon for legitimate businesses.

Unusual Payment Requests: If the website requests unusual or non-secure payment methods, it’s a significant red flag. Legitimate businesses offer standard and secure payment options.

To further assess the legitimacy of this website, consider conducting a thorough online search for reviews and feedback from other users. Additionally, verify the company’s registration and licensing details with relevant authorities, especially if it claims to be licensed by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment in Saudi Arabia. Exercise caution and avoid sharing personal or financial information until you can confirm the website’s authenticity.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unprofessional Website, Lack of Detailed Information, Unverifiable Testimonials, Unrealistic Promises, Poor Language and Grammar, No Physical Address or Contact Information, Inconsistent Branding, Unusual Payment Requests
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new