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Why is the trust score of low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. TrueBridge is a platform designed to connect businesses with creators, allowing them to collaborate on various marketing and promotional activities. The platform claims to have over 500,000 active creators, offering highly targeted and geo-located services. It emphasizes the automation and scalability of its processes, aiming to address the challenges of activating multiple creators for marketing campaigns. TrueBridge offers a range of features, including the ability to upload a brief, define target creators, and launch campaigns within minutes. It also highlights the option to go local and activate creators in specific geographic areas. The platform encourages businesses to collaborate and create in their own way, positioning itself as a facilitator for effective creator marketing. It provides links to FAQs, privacy policies, terms and guidelines, and a blog for business-related content. TrueBridge also includes information on payment methods and offers the option to connect with them through various channels. The SSL certificate for the website is issued by GoDaddy, a well-known and reputable certificate authority. The domain has been registered for approximately 3 years and 11 months, indicating a relatively established online presence. The server information suggests that the website is hosted on a server associated with Sucuri, a company specializing in website security and performance. Overall, based on the available information, TrueBridge appears to be a legitimate platform offering services for businesses to engage with creators for marketing and promotional purposes. However, as with any online platform, it’s advisable for businesses to conduct their own due diligence and research before engaging in any significant collaborations or transactions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate business model, Established online presence, Reputable SSL certificate issuer, Clear and detailed website content, Emphasis on collaboration and customization, Information on payment methods and contact channels, Hosting with a company specializing in website security
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden