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Trials of Ascension is a multiplayer online fantasy role-playing game that allows players to take on the roles of various creatures, including predatory raknar, resourceful humans, and mythical dragons. The game is set in the world of Tervarus, where players can interact with both wildlife and civilized societies as they strive to become one of the fateful ascended. The game’s website provides updates on its development progress, including news, media, and lore related to the game. It also offers the option to sign up for a newsletter and connect with the game’s community through platforms like Discord. The website has been regularly updated with news about the game’s development, including alpha testing, progress updates, and upcoming features. The game’s development appears to be ongoing, with a focus on engaging the community and providing regular updates on its progress. The website also mentions a Kickstarter campaign, indicating that the game may have sought crowdfunding to support its development. Overall, Trials of Ascension seems to be a legitimate online game project with a dedicated development team and an active community. However, as with any online game in development, it’s important for potential players to exercise caution and conduct their own research before getting involved, especially if there are financial transactions or commitments involved. It’s advisable to verify the credibility of the development team, the status of the game’s development, and any potential risks or challenges associated with supporting or participating in the project. Additionally, staying informed about the game’s progress through official channels and community discussions can help potential players make informed decisions about their involvement with Trials of Ascension.”

the reasons behind this review :
Regular updates on game development, Active community engagement, Mention of a Kickstarter campaign, Caution advised for any online game in development, Verify credibility of development team, Stay informed through official channels and community discussions
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden