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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the domain age are indicative of a potential scam. The website's content is vague and lacks specific information about the products or services offered. The use of generic phrases like 'hi! welcome sign up or log in today to shop and earn cash!' is a common tactic used by scam websites to lure visitors into providing personal information. Additionally, the mention of 'withdrawal to bank account (limited to one mobile number)' without further explanation or context is suspicious.

The domain age of 24 days is also a red flag. Scammers often create new websites to carry out their fraudulent activities and then abandon them once they are exposed. A legitimate business website is more likely to have a longer history.

The domain whois information being hidden is another cause for concern. Legitimate businesses typically provide transparent and verifiable contact information, including the details of the domain owner. When this information is hidden, it can be a sign that the website is not trustworthy.

The SSL certificate information is provided, but it's important to note that having an SSL certificate does not guarantee the legitimacy of a website. Scammers can also obtain SSL certificates to make their websites appear more credible.

The server information, ' / 429-Array,' is not standard and could be a tactic to appear legitimate while using a non-standard server configuration.

In summary, based on the limited information provided, the website exhibits several characteristics commonly associated with scam websites. It's advisable to exercise caution and thoroughly research the website and its reputation before engaging with it or providing any personal information."

the reasons behind this review :
Vague and generic website content, Lack of specific information about products or services, Mention of 'withdrawal to bank account (limited to one mobile number)' without context, Short domain age (24 days), Domain whois information is hidden, Use of SSL certificate does not guarantee legitimacy, Non-standard server information (' / 429-Array')
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden