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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website’s URL is However, the website’s content was intentionally made inaccessible due to a 404 not found error. This could be a red flag, as it suggests that the website may not be actively maintained or could be a temporary landing page for a scam. Additionally, the use of a subdomain ( in the URL is unusual and may be a tactic to appear legitimate while actually being part of a scam. It’s important to exercise caution when encountering such URLs. It’s also worth noting that the SSL certificate is issued by Amazon, which is a reputable company. However, scammers can sometimes use fake or stolen certificates to appear legitimate, so this alone is not a guarantee of safety. The lack of information about the domain’s age and whois data is also a concern, as legitimate websites typically have transparent and verifiable registration details. The absence of a Tranco ranking and a recent Wayback Machine age further adds to the suspicion. The server information provided ( / 429-Array) is not sufficient to determine the website’s legitimacy. In summary, the combination of a 404 error, unusual subdomain, lack of domain age and whois data, and the absence of a Tranco ranking and Wayback Machine history raises significant concerns about the legitimacy of this website. It’s advisable to avoid interacting with it and to exercise caution with similar URLs in the future.”

the reasons behind this review :
404 not found error, Unusual subdomain (, Lack of domain age and whois data, Absence of Tranco ranking and Wayback Machine history, Server information not sufficient for assessment
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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