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Trailblazer6 is a U.S.-based virtual assistant agency that offers services such as hiring Filipino virtual assistants and automation specialists. The company emphasizes providing skilled, affordable, and ready-to-deploy fractional virtual executive assistants and automation specialists. Additionally, they offer an affordable CRM and automation platform called 80 Ops Platform. The platform is designed to help businesses save time by building systems and then putting reliable people in place to run those systems, allowing business owners to focus on strategic aspects of their operations. Trailblazer6 is a veteran-owned and operated company located in Temecula, California. They are also HubSpot Solutions Providers. The company’s pricing model is transparent, and they offer a CRM and automation platform for a monthly fee, which is free with VA services. They also handle HR logistics, global payroll, and compliance for their clients. Trailblazer6 emphasizes flexibility, with no long-term contracts and a pay-as-you-go approach. They also assist with performance management. The company’s approach is centered on helping businesses build self-sustaining ecosystems by leveraging systems, processes, and reliable virtual assistants. They highlight the importance of avoiding burnout by building systems and putting good people in place to run those systems, allowing business owners to focus on high-impact tasks. Trailblazer6 also emphasizes the benefits of working with them, including efficient growth, a reliable partnership with a veteran-owned company, and the opportunity for virtual assistants to earn 2x-4x local wages, bonuses, and HMO. They also suggest that business owners can save more, allowing resources to be invested in other areas. The company’s website provides contact information for those interested in their services. Overall, Trailblazer6 appears to be a legitimate virtual assistant agency with a focus on providing skilled and affordable virtual executive assistants and automation specialists. Their emphasis on building self-sustaining business ecosystems and their transparent pricing and service offerings suggest a commitment to helping businesses streamline their operations and achieve sustainable growth.”

the reasons behind this review :
U.S.-based company, Veteran-owned and operated, Offers virtual assistant and automation specialist services, Emphasizes skilled and affordable fractional virtual executive assistants, Offers an affordable CRM and automation platform (80 Ops Platform), Focuses on helping businesses save time and build self-sustaining systems, Located in Temecula, California, HubSpot Solutions Providers, Transparent pricing model, Handles HR logistics, global payroll, and compliance, Emphasizes flexibility with no long-term contracts and pay-as-you-go approach, Assists with performance management, Focuses on helping businesses avoid burnout by building systems and leveraging reliable virtual assistants, Highlights the benefits of working with them, including efficient growth and reliable partnership, Suggests that virtual assistants can earn 2x-4x local wages, bonuses, and HMO, Emphasizes the potential for business owners to save more and invest resources in other areas, Provides contact information for those interested in their services
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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