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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be related to a project called “Tokyo Beast,” which is described as a crypto-entertainment IP project. The site mentions various elements commonly associated with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, such as NFTs (non-fungible tokens), a native token called TGT, and a gaming championship with a $1 million prize.

However, several aspects of the website and the project raise red flags:

1. Vague and Ambitious Claims: The website uses grandiose language and ambitious claims, such as “entering uncharted territory” and “revolutionizing the user experience.” Such language is common in crypto scams and projects that overpromise.

2. High Pre-Registration Numbers: The website claims to have over 200,000 pre-registered players. While this is not impossible for a legitimate project, it is unusual for a relatively unknown project, especially in the early stages.

3. Partnership with Prominent Figures: The website mentions partnerships with individuals like Sam Altman and organizations like “Tools for Humanity.” These claims should be independently verified, as false partnerships are a common tactic in scams.

4. Lack of Detailed Information: While the website provides some information about the project, it lacks detailed technical or operational information. Legitimate blockchain projects often provide extensive whitepapers and technical details.

5. Overemphasis on Marketing and Campaigns: The website heavily promotes various campaigns, giveaways, and partnerships, which can be a tactic to attract attention and create a sense of urgency, common in scam projects.

6. Repetitive and Vague Content: The website’s content, especially in the “What’s Tokyo Beast” section, is repetitive and vague, using generic phrases about “uncharted territory” and “new experiences.”

7. Unsubstantiated Claims of Value Creation: The section about NFTs and creating new value for them through gameplay and breeding is not explained in detail and could be an attempt to create a false sense of value.

8. Unrealistic Roadmap: The roadmap provided on the site, with phases like “being pre-registration” and “release Tokyo Beast base,” does not align with typical development roadmaps for legitimate blockchain projects.

9. Use of Quotes and Philosophical Statements: The use of quotes and philosophical statements, while not inherently suspicious, can be a tactic to create an air of legitimacy and depth.

10. Language and Translation Issues: The website appears to be available in multiple languages, including English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese. However, the quality of translation and potential discrepancies between different language versions should be carefully examined.

Given these observations, it is advisable to approach the Tokyo Beast project with caution and conduct thorough, independent research before considering any involvement or investment. It’s important to verify the claims made on the website, seek out independent reviews and analyses, and be wary of high-pressure marketing tactics or promises of guaranteed returns.”

the reasons behind this review :
Vague and Ambitious Claims, High Pre-Registration Numbers, Partnership with Prominent Figures, Lack of Detailed Information, Overemphasis on Marketing and Campaigns, Repetitive and Vague Content, Unsubstantiated Claims of Value Creation, Unrealistic Roadmap, Use of Quotes and Philosophical Statements, Language and Translation Issues
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

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Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
