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Tikkie is a payment platform developed by ABN AMRO, one of the largest banks in the Netherlands. It allows users to send payment requests to others, making it easy to split bills or collect money. Tikkie is widely used in the Netherlands and has gained popularity for its convenience and ease of use. The platform is designed to simplify the process of requesting and receiving payments, particularly in social or group settings. Users can create a payment request, share it with others via messaging apps or email, and receive the money directly into their bank account. Tikkie has become a popular tool for various situations, such as splitting restaurant bills, collecting contributions for gifts or events, and managing shared expenses among friends or roommates. The platform’s integration with popular messaging apps like WhatsApp has contributed to its widespread adoption. Tikkie’s success can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, seamless payment process, and the trust associated with its parent company, ABN AMRO. As a product of a reputable financial institution, Tikkie offers a secure and reliable way to handle peer-to-peer payments. The platform’s features, such as the ability to add a personal message to payment requests and track the status of payments, enhance the user experience. Tikkie has also expanded its services to include business solutions, allowing companies to use the platform for invoicing and receiving payments from customers. Overall, Tikkie has established itself as a convenient and trustworthy payment platform in the Netherlands, catering to both individual and business users. Its integration with popular messaging apps and its association with a well-known bank have contributed to its widespread adoption and success.”

the reasons behind this review :
Developed by ABN AMRO, one of the largest banks in the Netherlands. Widely used and popular for its convenience and ease of use. Designed to simplify the process of requesting and receiving payments. Particularly useful for splitting bills or collecting money in social or group settings. Users can create payment requests, share them, and receive money directly into their bank account. Integration with popular messaging apps like WhatsApp. Trusted due to its association with a reputable financial institution. User-friendly interface and seamless payment process. Features for adding personal messages to payment requests and tracking payment status. Expanded to offer business solutions for invoicing and receiving payments. Established as a convenient and trustworthy payment platform in the Netherlands.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden