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How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website raises several red flags that are commonly associated with potentially fraudulent or scam websites:

1. **Unsubstantiated Claims:** The website makes several bold claims about the effectiveness of their product, such as reducing the likelihood of returning to a bad habit by 82% and reducing anxiety in over 90% of cases. These claims are not backed by credible scientific evidence and are often used in deceptive marketing.

2. **Overemphasis on “Clinically Proven”:** The repeated use of the term “clinically proven” without providing specific details or references to actual clinical studies is a common tactic in deceptive marketing. It aims to lend an air of credibility without any substantial evidence.

3. **Exaggerated Health Benefits:** The website suggests that their product can significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse and anxiety, which is an overstatement of the effects of any non-medical product. Such exaggerated health claims are often a red flag.

4. **Vague Product Description:** The description of the product’s mechanism of action is vague and lacks specific details. Legitimate products usually provide clear and detailed information about how they work.

5. **Unrealistic Claims:** The website’s claim that their product tastes exactly like the real deal and can replace a hand-to-mouth habit is unrealistic, especially for a product that is supposedly free from nicotine and toxins.

6. **Highly Positive Language:** The use of overly positive and persuasive language, such as “naturally flavored products that are free from nicotine and toxins,” is a common tactic in deceptive marketing to create a sense of trust and desirability.

7. **Lack of Scientific References:** There are no references to specific scientific studies or research to support the product’s claims. Legitimate health-related products usually provide such references.

8. **Limited Contact Information:** The only contact information provided is an email address. Legitimate businesses typically provide multiple means of contact, such as a physical address and phone number.

9. **Unsubstantiated Statistics:** The claim of “+25000 happy customers” is not verifiable and is often used as a generic, unverifiable statement to create a sense of popularity.

10. **Generic Website Design:** The website’s design is generic and lacks the professional polish often seen in legitimate e-commerce sites.

11. **Limited Product Information:** There is limited information about the product’s ingredients, manufacturing process, and quality control, which is important for health-related products.

12. **No Independent Reviews:** The website does not provide links to independent reviews or customer testimonials from reputable sources.

It’s important to approach websites like with caution and skepticism, especially when they make bold health claims without providing credible evidence. Always conduct thorough research and consider consulting with healthcare professionals before trying any new health-related products, especially those that claim to have significant health benefits.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unsubstantiated Claims, Overemphasis on "Clinically Proven", Exaggerated Health Benefits, Vague Product Description, Unrealistic Claims, Highly Positive Language, Lack of Scientific References, Limited Contact Information, Unsubstantiated Statistics, Generic Website Design, Limited Product Information, No Independent Reviews
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new