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Why is the trust score of high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website ‘’ appears to be a legitimate business website for a company called ‘The House of Mercier.’ The site describes the company as a recruiting agency specializing in customer service, global talent acquisition, and real estate services. It emphasizes a commitment to excellence, genuine connections, and a lean approach to business. The site also provides contact information, including an address in Athens, Greece, and a phone number.

Based on the content provided, the website seems to be a professional and well-established business. However, it’s important to note that the legitimacy of a website cannot be fully determined without conducting a thorough background check and verifying the information provided. Here are some general considerations when evaluating the legitimacy of a website:

1. Domain Age: The domain for the website, ‘,’ has been registered for 10 months and 8 days. While this is relatively new, it’s not necessarily a red flag, as many legitimate businesses launch new websites.

2. Domain Whois: The domain registration information is accessible, which is a good sign. Legitimate businesses typically provide accurate and verifiable contact information.

3. SSL Certificate: The website has an SSL certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt, which is a widely recognized and trusted certificate authority. This indicates that the site has basic security measures in place for protecting user data.

4. Internet Archive (Wayback Machine): The website has been archived by the Wayback Machine, with the most recent capture being 247 days ago. This suggests that the site has been around for some time and has a history of being indexed by web archiving services.

5. Server Information: The website is hosted on a server with the IP address The server location is listed as Tel Aviv, Israel, and the hosting provider is Ltd. This information is consistent with the website’s claimed location and hosting platform.

6. Content Analysis: The website’s content emphasizes professionalism, a focus on customer service, and a commitment to excellence. It also provides specific contact information, including an address and phone number, which adds to its credibility.

While the information provided suggests that the website is legitimate, it’s important to exercise caution when interacting with any online business. Here are some additional steps you can take to verify the legitimacy of ‘The House of Mercier’ or any other business:

Check Online Reviews: Look for reviews of the company from independent sources. Pay attention to both positive and negative feedback.
Verify Contact Information: Use the provided address and phone number to verify the company’s physical presence and reach out to them directly if needed.
Research the Company’s History: Look for any news articles, press releases, or other information about the company’s background and track record.
Use Secure Payment Methods: If you decide to engage with the company for services, use secure and reputable payment methods to protect your financial information.
Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, it’s worth investigating further or seeking a second opinion.

By taking these steps and conducting your own due diligence, you can make a more informed assessment of the legitimacy and trustworthiness of ‘The House of Mercier’ or any other business you encounter online.”

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Age, Domain Whois, SSL Certificate, Internet Archive (Wayback Machine), Server Information, Content Analysis, Check Online Reviews, Verify Contact Information, Research the Company's History, Use Secure Payment Methods, Trust Your Instincts
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
