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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Transcontinental Fund Administration (TFA) is a real company providing fund administration services. The website provides detailed information about the company, its services, and its mission. It also includes contact information, such as the company’s address, email, and phone number. The website has a professional design and appears to be regularly updated, which is a positive sign for a legitimate business. The domain has been registered for over 14 years, which is another indicator of credibility and stability. Additionally, the SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt ensures that the website’s connection is secure. The website’s content is consistent with the services typically offered by fund administration firms, including real estate, private equity, venture capital, and hedge fund administration. The use of proprietary technology and a high-touch approach to fund administration aligns with industry standards. The website also mentions that TFA is a fully-licensed and registered administrator regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) since 2001. This regulatory oversight adds a layer of credibility to the company’s operations. The website provides a comprehensive list of services offered, including fund set-up and transfer, valuation services, cash management, international taxation services, compliance, audit and tax support, accounting, and more. This breadth of services is typical for a reputable fund administration firm. The website also highlights TFA’s experience in administering various types of funds, such as private equity and venture capital funds, real estate funds, BVI and Cayman domiciled funds, hedge funds, and even cryptocurrency funds. This diverse experience is a positive indicator of the company’s expertise and adaptability. The website includes a physical address for TFA, located at 33 N LaSalle Street, Suite 2210, Chicago, IL 60602. Providing a verifiable address is important for establishing trust and transparency. The website also lists an email address ( and a telephone number (312-578-0690) for contacting the company. These contact details are essential for potential clients to reach out for inquiries or support. The website includes a “Contact Us” form, allowing visitors to send general inquiries directly through the site. This feature facilitates communication and engagement with potential clients. The website’s design and layout are professional and user-friendly, making it easy for visitors to navigate and find relevant information about the company and its services. The website’s content is informative and well-organized, providing a clear overview of TFA’s offerings and expertise in fund administration. The website includes a copyright notice at the bottom, indicating that it is regularly maintained and updated to reflect current information. This attention to detail and currency of information is important for a legitimate business website. The website’s domain,, is consistent with the company’s name, Transcontinental Fund Administration (TFA). This alignment helps establish the website’s authenticity and connection to the company. The website’s use of a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate from Let’s Encrypt ensures that data transmitted between the website and its visitors is encrypted and secure. This is a standard security measure for protecting sensitive information, such as contact forms or login credentials. The website’s SSL certificate is valid, further confirming its commitment to security and data protection. The website’s domain,, is registered with a reputable domain registrar, which is another positive indicator of legitimacy. The website’s domain registration information is publicly available and matches the company’s details, providing transparency and verifiability. The website’s domain,, has been registered for over 14 years, which is a significant period of time. Longevity in domain registration can be a positive indicator of a legitimate and established business. The website’s domain,, has a low risk score according to Tranco, a ranking system for websites. A low risk score suggests that the website is not associated with malicious or suspicious activities. The website’s domain,, has been archived by the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, which preserves historical versions of websites. The availability of archived versions can provide additional insight into the website’s history and evolution over time. The website’s server information, / 429-Array, indicates the technical infrastructure supporting the website. This information can be useful for technical analysis and troubleshooting, but it does not directly impact the website’s legitimacy or trustworthiness. Overall, based on the information provided, the website for Transcontinental Fund Administration (TFA) appears to be legitimate and safe. It exhibits several positive indicators of credibility, including a professional design, detailed information about the company and its services, regulatory oversight, a long history of domain registration, and a secure connection with a valid SSL certificate. Additionally, the website’s content aligns with the typical offerings and expertise of a fund administration firm. However, it’s always advisable to conduct further research and due diligence, especially when considering financial services or investments. Potential clients may want to verify the company’s credentials, check for any relevant certifications or industry affiliations, and consider reading reviews or testimonials from other clients. This additional research can provide a more comprehensive understanding of TFA’s reputation and track record in the field of fund administration.”

the reasons behind this review :
Professional design and regularly updated content, Longevity of domain registration (over 14 years), SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt for secure connection, Mention of regulatory oversight by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), Comprehensive list of services offered, Diverse experience in administering various types of funds, Physical address provided for the company, Contact email and telephone number listed, "Contact Us" form for inquiries, Professional and user-friendly website design, Informative and well-organized content, Copyright notice indicating regular maintenance and updates, Consistent domain name ( with company name (Transcontinental Fund Administration), Use of a valid SSL certificate for data encryption, Domain registered with a reputable registrar, Low risk score according to Tranco, Availability of archived versions on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, Longevity of domain registration (over 14 years), Low risk score according to Tranco, Availability of archived versions on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, Server information ( / 429-Array) is not directly related to legitimacy or trustworthiness
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

No Negative Point