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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content and the services offered raise several red flags:

1. Offering to sell fake or offline members: This is a clear violation of the terms of service of most social media platforms, including Telegram. Buying fake or inactive members is not only unethical but can also lead to account suspension or banning.

2. Promising high numbers of members with low prices: It’s highly unlikely that a service can provide a large number of real, engaged members for such low prices. This suggests that the members being offered are likely to be fake or inactive.

3. Customer testimonials: While positive testimonials can be a good sign, they can also be easily fabricated. It’s important to look for independent and verified reviews from multiple sources.

4. Payment methods: The website claims to accept a wide range of payment methods, including cryptocurrencies. While this may seem convenient, it’s also a common tactic used by scam websites to make it harder for customers to get refunds.

5. Refund policy: The website claims to offer a 100% refund if the service is not satisfactory. However, in many cases, scam websites do not honor their refund policies.

6. Claims of safety and no risk: The website repeatedly claims that their services are safe and that there is no risk of being banned by Telegram. This is misleading, as buying fake members is against Telegram’s terms of service and can result in account penalties.

7. Overpromising on the impact of purchased members: While having a large number of members in a group or channel can be beneficial, it’s not a guarantee of success. Organic growth and genuine engagement are more valuable in the long run.

8. Offering to add members from other groups: This is a questionable practice and may violate the privacy and terms of service of the targeted groups.

9. Outdated testimonials: Some of the testimonials mention specific years, which may indicate that they are not regularly updating their content.

10. Overemphasis on the importance of buying members: Legitimate marketing strategies focus on organic growth, engagement, and providing value to the audience. Overemphasizing the importance of buying members is a red flag.

11. Claims of being the best and most trusted: Such claims should be backed up by independent and verifiable evidence.

12. Offering to sell post views: This is another questionable practice and may not result in genuine engagement or interest in the content.

13. Offering to sell a member adder tool: This tool may violate the terms of service of Telegram and could be used for spamming or other unethical practices.

14. Offering to sell targeted members for ICOs: This is a highly specific and potentially risky service, especially in the context of cryptocurrency and ICOs.

15. Overemphasis on the use of the platform for business and marketing: While Telegram can be used for business and marketing, the overemphasis on this aspect, especially in the context of buying members, is a red flag.

16. Claims of being the only platform with certain features: Such claims should be carefully verified, as they are often exaggerated or false.

17. Overemphasis on payment options and flexibility: While offering multiple payment options can be convenient, it’s also a common tactic used by scam websites to make it harder for customers to get refunds.

18. Claims of being in business since 2014: The website claims to be in business since 2014, but this should be independently verified, as false claims about company history are not uncommon.

19. Overemphasis on the importance of boosting engagement and numbers: While these are important, the overemphasis on them, especially through buying members, is a red flag.

20. Claims of being the best in the industry: Such claims should be backed up by independent and verifiable evidence.

It’s important to approach websites like this with caution and to thoroughly research and verify their claims before making any purchases. Additionally, it’s advisable to seek organic and ethical methods for growing a Telegram group or channel, as these are more sustainable in the long run.”

the reasons behind this review :
1. Offering to sell fake or offline members: This is a clear violation of the terms of service of most social media platforms, including Telegram. Buying fake or inactive members is not only unethical but can also lead to account suspension or banning. 2. Promising high numbers of members with low prices: It's highly unlikely that a service can provide a large number of real, engaged members for such low prices. This suggests that the members being offered are likely to be fake or inactive. 3. Customer testimonials: While positive testimonials can be a good sign, they can also be easily fabricated. It's important to look for independent and verified reviews from multiple sources. 4. Payment methods: The website claims to accept a wide range of payment methods, including cryptocurrencies. While this may seem convenient, it's also a common tactic used by scam websites to make it harder for customers to get refunds. 5. Refund policy: The website claims to offer a 100% refund if the service is not satisfactory. However, in many cases, scam websites do not honor their refund policies. 6. Claims of safety and no risk: The website repeatedly claims that their services are safe and that there is no risk of being banned by Telegram. This is misleading, as buying fake members is against Telegram's terms of service and can result in account penalties. 7. Overpromising on the impact of purchased members: While having a large number of members in a group or channel can be beneficial, it's not a guarantee of success. Organic growth and genuine engagement are more valuable in the long run. 8. Offering to add members from other groups: This is a questionable practice and may violate the privacy and terms of service of the targeted groups. 9. Outdated testimonials: Some of the testimonials mention specific years, which may indicate that they are not regularly updating their content. 10. Overemphasis on the importance of buying members: Legitimate marketing strategies focus on organic growth, engagement, and providing value to the audience. Overemphasizing the importance of buying members is a red flag. 11. Claims of being the best and most trusted: Such claims should be backed up by independent and verifiable evidence. 12. Offering to sell post views: This is another questionable practice and may not result in genuine engagement or interest in the content. 13. Offering to sell a member adder tool: This tool may violate the terms of service of Telegram and could be used for spamming or other unethical practices. 14. Offering to sell targeted members for ICOs: This is a highly specific and potentially risky service, especially in the context of cryptocurrency and ICOs. 15. Overemphasis on the use of the platform for business and marketing: While Telegram can be used for business and marketing, the overemphasis on this aspect, especially in the context of buying members, is a red flag. 16. Claims of being the only platform with certain features: Such claims should be carefully verified, as they are often exaggerated or false. 17. Overemphasis on payment options and flexibility: While offering multiple payment options can be convenient, it's also a common tactic used by scam websites to make it harder for customers to get refunds. 18. Claims of being in business since 2014: The website claims to be in business since 2014, but this should be independently verified, as false claims about company history are not uncommon. 19. Overemphasis on the importance of boosting engagement and numbers: While these are important, the overemphasis on them, especially through buying members, is a red flag. 20. Claims of being the best in the industry: Such claims should be backed up by independent and verifiable evidence. It's important to approach websites like this with caution and to thoroughly research and verify their claims before making any purchases. Additionally, it's advisable to seek organic and ethical methods for growing a Telegram group or channel, as these are more sustainable in the long run.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
