How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website claims to be a platform for online micro-jobs, offering users the opportunity to perform tasks and earn money. However, several red flags indicate that this website is likely a scam:

1. Unrealistic Earning Claims: The website promises high earnings for completing simple tasks, such as $800 – $3800 per task. These claims are highly unrealistic and are a common tactic used by scam websites to lure in users.

2. Lack of Detailed Information: The website provides very little specific information about the types of tasks available, how the platform operates, or how users are actually paid. Legitimate platforms typically provide clear and detailed information.

3. No Clear Business Model: The website does not explain how it generates revenue or sustains its operations. Legitimate platforms usually have a transparent business model, such as taking a commission from the tasks completed by users.

4. Testimonials and Reviews: The testimonials provided on the website are generic and may not be genuine. Scam websites often fabricate positive reviews to create a false sense of trust.

5. Lack of Contact Information: The website does not provide a physical address or clear contact information, which is a common practice among fraudulent websites.

6. Request for Personal Information: The website asks for personal information, including a WhatsApp phone number, which can be a privacy and security risk.

7. High Payouts for Simple Tasks: The claim of earning high amounts for very simple tasks is a classic red flag for a scam. Legitimate platforms offer realistic compensation for the work performed.

8. No Information on Task Providers: Legitimate micro-job platforms usually provide information about the companies or individuals posting tasks. The lack of this information is suspicious.

9. No Information on Task Verification: The website claims to vet all micro-jobs but does not provide any details on how this vetting process works.

10. No Information on Dispute Resolution: Legitimate platforms typically have a process for resolving disputes between task performers and task providers. The absence of this information is concerning.

Based on these red flags, it is highly advisable to approach with extreme caution or avoid it altogether. Users should be wary of any platform that makes unrealistic earning claims, lacks transparency, and requests personal information without providing clear details about how it will be used and protected.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Earning Claims, Lack of Detailed Information, No Clear Business Model, Testimonials and Reviews, Lack of Contact Information, Request for Personal Information, High Payouts for Simple Tasks, No Information on Task Providers, No Information on Task Verification, No Information on Dispute Resolution
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new