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Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging and voice over IP service. Telegram client apps are available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows NT, macOS, and Linux. Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio, and files of any type. Telegram's client-side code is open-source software but the source code for recent versions is not always immediately published, whereas its server-side code is closed-source and proprietary. The service also provides APIs to independent developers. In February 2021, Telegram surpassed 500 million monthly active users. Telegram has been widely used as a means of communication during protests and civil unrest in multiple countries, including Hong Kong, Iran, and Belarus. The app has been criticized for its use in facilitating illegal activities, such as sharing child Adult Content and coordinating drug deals. Telegram responded by stating that it would remove such content, but would not block public channels that distribute it. Telegram has also been criticized for its encryption protocols and security practices. In 2015, the Electronic Frontier Foundation gave Telegram a score of 7 out of 7 points on its secure messaging scorecard, but only for its default mode of operation. In 2017, Amnesty International recommended Telegram for secure and private messaging. However, in 2018, the Russian government attempted to block Telegram in the country due to its refusal to provide the Federal Security Service with access to user messages. This led to a series of disruptions in the country's internet services. Telegram has also faced criticism for its handling of user data and privacy concerns. In 2016, researchers found that the app's default configuration was not secure, and that it leaked metadata such as the IP addresses and phone numbers of users. In 2018, a security researcher discovered a flaw in Telegram's macOS app that allowed attackers to access self-destructing messages. The company has also been accused of providing a platform for hate speech and misinformation. In 2020, the app was used to spread false information about the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to calls for it to take stronger action against fake news. Despite these controversies, Telegram remains a popular messaging app, particularly among users who are concerned about privacy and security. The app's developers have continued to update its features and security protocols in response to criticism and user feedback. Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, has been an outspoken advocate for digital privacy and has criticized other tech companies, such as Facebook, for their data collection practices. The app's commitment to privacy and security has helped it gain a loyal user base, but it has also made it a target for criticism and regulatory scrutiny. As the app continues to grow in popularity, it is likely to face further challenges related to its handling of user data, content moderation, and cooperation with law enforcement and government agencies.

the reasons behind this review :
Cloud-based instant messaging and voice over IP service, Available for various platforms including Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux, Users can send messages, exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio, and files, Client-side code is open-source, Server-side code is closed-source and proprietary, Provides APIs to independent developers, Surpassed 500 million monthly active users in February 2021, Widely used in protests and civil unrest in multiple countries, Criticized for facilitating illegal activities, such as sharing child Adult Content and coordinating drug deals, Responded by stating it would remove such content but not block public channels that distribute it, Criticized for encryption protocols and security practices, Given a score of 7 out of 7 by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for secure messaging, Recommended by Amnesty International for secure and private messaging, Russian government attempted to block Telegram in 2018 due to its refusal to provide access to user messages, Faced criticism for handling user data and privacy concerns, Default configuration was found to be insecure and leaked metadata, Flaw in macOS app allowed attackers to access self-destructing messages, Accused of providing a platform for hate speech and misinformation, Used to spread false information about the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Founder Pavel Durov has been an outspoken advocate for digital privacy, Continues to update features and security protocols in response to criticism and user feedback, Gained a loyal user base due to its commitment to privacy and security, A target for criticism and regulatory scrutiny due to its popularity and stance on privacy and security, Likely to face further challenges related to user data, content moderation, and cooperation with law enforcement and government agencies as it continues to grow.
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