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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content you provided contains several red flags commonly associated with cryptocurrency scams:

1. **Generic and Overpromising Language:** Phrases like “unifying web3,” “best-in-class,” “multiverse support,” and “blockchain cloud infrastructure” are often used in scams to sound impressive without providing concrete details.

2. **Vague Technical Details:** The description of the “blockchain node” and its functions is very vague and lacks specific technical details. Legitimate blockchain projects usually provide detailed technical information.

3. **Use of AI and Remote Resolution:** Claims of using an AI chatbot for issue resolution with “zero human interference” can be a tactic to avoid direct human interaction and accountability, common in scam setups.

4. **Offering Support for Various Token Operations:** The website lists a wide range of token-related operations it can support, including staking, claiming rewards, and transferring between chains. This is a common tactic in scams to cover a broad range of potential victims.

5. **Request to Connect Wallet:** Asking users to connect their wallets is a major red flag. Legitimate services usually don’t require users to connect their wallets in this manner.

6. **Impersonating Well-Known Wallet Providers:** The website lists several well-known wallet providers like Metamask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet. This could be an attempt to gain trust by association.

7. **No Clear Business Model or Revenue Source:** The website doesn’t explain how it generates revenue or sustains its operations, which is important for any legitimate blockchain project.

8. **Lack of Team Information:** There’s no information about the team behind the project, which is a common characteristic of scam websites.

9. **Highly Diverse Range of Services:** Offering support for a wide range of services, from NFTs to staking, is unusual for a single platform and could be a tactic to attract a larger pool of potential victims.

10. **No Clear Explanation of the “Multiverse Support” Concept:** The website mentions “multiverse support” without clearly explaining what it means or how it’s achieved, which is a common tactic in scam setups to sound innovative without substance.

Based on these red flags, the website exhibits characteristics commonly associated with cryptocurrency scams. It’s important to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with such platforms, especially when they involve connecting personal wallets or dealing with financial transactions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Generic and Overpromising Language, Vague Technical Details, Use of AI and Remote Resolution, Offering Support for Various Token Operations, Request to Connect Wallet, Impersonating Well-Known Wallet Providers, No Clear Business Model or Revenue Source, Lack of Team Information, Highly Diverse Range of Services, No Clear Explanation of the "Multiverse Support" Concept
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden