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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Surefront is a technology company that provides a unified platform for product lifecycle management (PLM), product information management (PIM), and customer relationship management (CRM). The platform is designed to streamline the merchandising, product development, and sales processes for businesses, particularly in the retail and consumer goods industries.

Unified Product Collaboration:
One of the key features of Surefront is its focus on unified product collaboration. By integrating PLM, PIM, and CRM functionalities, the platform aims to provide a comprehensive solution for businesses to manage their products from ideation to sales.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM):
Surefront’s PLM capabilities are designed to accelerate the product development process. This includes features such as team collaboration on product attributes, task and workflow management for timely delivery, and the generation of technical packs for manufacturer partners.

Product Information Management (PIM):
The PIM aspect of Surefront centralizes and simplifies catalog management. It aims to provide a single source of truth for product information, enabling businesses to showcase their products with line sheets, sort and filter their catalog, and manage product information with tags and custom fields.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
Surefront’s CRM features are focused on accelerating B2B sales. This includes order management tools, vendor and communication history management, sales order management, and tracking of supplier purchase orders and retail quotes.

In the News:
The website includes a section dedicated to news and press releases about Surefront. This provides updates on the company’s partnerships, achievements, and case studies showcasing the platform’s impact on businesses in various industries.

Case Studies:
Surefront presents case studies from different industries, such as fine jewelry, home décor, and home furnishings. These case studies highlight the specific benefits and efficiencies experienced by businesses that have adopted the Surefront platform.

BaubleBar + Surefront Case Study:
One of the featured case studies is about BaubleBar, a New York-based fashion, jewelry, and accessories brand. The case study details how BaubleBar reduced its product development cycle and achieved significant improvements in new product launch times, customer inquiries, and linesheet production by using Surefront.

Partnerships and Integrations:
The website mentions partnerships with major technology providers such as SAP, Oracle NetSuite, and Acumatica. These partnerships indicate that Surefront is designed to integrate with existing enterprise systems and provide a comprehensive solution for businesses.

Resources and Support:
Surefront offers various resources, including video resources, a blog, glossary, books and guides, and an ROI calculator. This demonstrates a commitment to providing educational materials and support for businesses considering or using the platform.

Company Information and Contact:
The website provides information about the company, including its headquarters location in Pasadena, California. It also includes contact details for inquiries and support.

Overall, based on the content provided, Surefront appears to be a legitimate technology company offering a platform for unified product collaboration. The platform’s focus on integrating PLM, PIM, and CRM functionalities, along with its case studies, partnerships, and resources, suggests that it is a comprehensive solution for businesses in the retail and consumer goods industries.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unified Product Collaboration, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Product Information Management (PIM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), In the News, Case Studies, BaubleBar + Surefront Case Study, Partnerships and Integrations, Resources and Support, Company Information and Contact
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

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