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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website raises several red flags that are commonly associated with scam or fraudulent websites:

1. Unrealistic Product Range: The website offers an extensive range of products, including highly specific and niche items. This is unusual for a single online store, especially one that claims to be a fashion brand.

2. Exclusive and Custom Products: The site claims to offer exclusive and custom products for various franchises and characters. This can be a tactic used by scam sites to lure in fans of these franchises.

3. Highly Discounted Prices: The site prominently displays a 5% off code and free shipping for orders over $99. While discounts are common in e-commerce, extremely high or consistent discounts can be a red flag.

4. Limited Contact Information: The only contact information provided is an email address. Legitimate businesses typically provide multiple ways to contact them, such as a phone number and physical address.

5. Lack of Company Information: The website does not provide detailed information about the company, its history, or its team. This lack of transparency is concerning.

6. Unprofessional Website Design: The website’s design and layout appear unprofessional, with repetitive content and a cluttered appearance.

7. Inconsistent Branding: The website’s branding and messaging are inconsistent, with a mix of generic and specific product descriptions.

8. Unverified Payment Methods: It’s important to check if the website uses secure and verified payment methods. If it only offers less secure or unverified options, it’s a red flag.

9. No User Reviews or Testimonials: A lack of user reviews or testimonials, especially for a site claiming to have been in business for several years, is suspicious.

10. Copyright Date Mismatch: The copyright date at the bottom of the website is 2024, which is inconsistent with the domain’s age.

11. Domain Age and Hidden WHOIS Information: The domain is relatively new, yet the WHOIS information is hidden. This lack of transparency is a common tactic among fraudulent websites.

12. Suspicious Domain Name: The domain name “” is generic and does not align with the claimed brand identity.

13. Overuse of Keywords: The website excessively uses keywords related to popular franchises and products, which can be a tactic to attract search engine traffic.

14. Repetitive Content: The website’s content is highly repetitive, with multiple instances of the same product descriptions and categories.

15. No Physical Store Presence: There is no mention of any physical store locations or evidence of a brick-and-mortar presence.

It’s important to exercise caution when considering making purchases from websites that exhibit these red flags. Always conduct thorough research, look for independent reviews, and consider the overall credibility and professionalism of the website before making any transactions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Product Range, Exclusive and Custom Products, Highly Discounted Prices, Limited Contact Information, Lack of Company Information, Unprofessional Website Design, Inconsistent Branding, Unverified Payment Methods, No User Reviews or Testimonials, Copyright Date Mismatch, Domain Age and Hidden WHOIS Information, Suspicious Domain Name, Overuse of Keywords, Repetitive Content, No Physical Store Presence
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
