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Why is the trust score of very high?

Stop Forum Spam is a well-established and widely used service in the online community. It has been in operation for over a decade and has gained the trust of many website administrators and forum moderators. The service is designed to help prevent forum and blog spam by providing a database of known spammers and abusive users. When integrated with a website or forum, it can automatically check new user registrations against its database and block or flag potential spammers.

The service is free to use, which is a significant advantage for smaller websites and forums with limited budgets. It’s also supported by donations, which can help ensure its continued operation and development.

The Stop Forum Spam website provides detailed information on how the service works, how to integrate it with different platforms, and how to access its database. It also offers plugins for popular forum software, making it relatively easy for website administrators to implement.

One of the key benefits of Stop Forum Spam is its community-driven nature. Users can report spammers, and the database is continually updated based on these reports. This means that the service can adapt to new spamming tactics and trends, providing a more comprehensive defense against unwanted content.

The service’s strict policies regarding spam and abuse are also a positive aspect. By enforcing guidelines on acceptable behavior and content, Stop Forum Spam helps maintain the quality and integrity of online communities.

Overall, Stop Forum Spam is a valuable resource for website administrators and forum moderators who want to reduce the impact of spam and abusive users on their platforms. Its long history, community-driven approach, and free availability make it a trustworthy and widely used tool in the fight against online spam.”

the reasons behind this review :
Long-standing service with over a decade of operation, Trusted by many website administrators and forum moderators, Designed to prevent forum and blog spam by providing a database of known spammers and abusive users, Can automatically check new user registrations against its database and block or flag potential spammers, Free to use, Supported by donations, Provides detailed information on how the service works, how to integrate it with different platforms, and how to access its database, Offers plugins for popular forum software, Community-driven nature allows users to report spammers, Database is continually updated based on user reports, Can adapt to new spamming tactics and trends, Enforces strict policies regarding spam and abuse, Helps maintain the quality and integrity of online communities, Valuable resource for website administrators and forum moderators in the fight against online spam
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
