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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content provided is quite generic and doesn’t offer much specific information about the company or its operations. The use of phrases like ‘free 100% money back guarantee’ and ‘always online feedback 24/7’ can be typical of scam websites, as they try to create a sense of trust without providing substantial evidence. The inconsistent and repetitive nature of the content, with multiple mentions of the same phrases, is also a red flag.

The domain age is not provided, which is another potential concern. Legitimate businesses often provide transparency about their establishment and history, including the age of their domain.

The domain whois information is hidden, which is a common practice for fraudulent websites. Legitimate businesses typically provide transparent and accurate domain registration details.

The SSL certificate is from Let’s Encrypt, which is a legitimate certificate authority. However, the presence of an SSL certificate does not guarantee the trustworthiness of a website. Many scam sites use SSL to appear more legitimate.

The Tranco rank of 0 indicates that the website is not highly ranked in terms of web traffic. While this alone is not a sign of a scam, it can be a concern when combined with other red flags.

The Internet Archive Wayback Machine shows that the website has been archived for 563 days. This can be useful for checking the historical content of the site and identifying any significant changes or inconsistencies.

The server information provided ( /,-112.0740-AS47583 Hostinger International Limited-85001-America/Phoenix) is standard technical information and doesn’t inherently indicate the legitimacy of the website.

Overall, based on the limited information provided, the website raises several red flags commonly associated with scam sites. These include generic and repetitive content, hidden domain registration details, and the use of phrases aimed at creating a false sense of trust. It’s important to conduct further research and, if considering any transactions or sharing personal information, to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the website through additional, reliable sources.”

the reasons behind this review :
Generic and repetitive content, Hidden domain registration details, Use of phrases aimed at creating a false sense of trust, Lack of transparency about the domain age, Use of Let's Encrypt SSL certificate (common among both legitimate and fraudulent sites), Low web traffic rank, Presence in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine (useful for historical content checks), Standard server information (does not inherently indicate legitimacy)
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
