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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Sketch is a well-established and reputable platform for digital design, widely used by professionals in the industry. It offers a range of features for design, collaboration, prototyping, and handoff, making it a comprehensive tool for digital design projects. The platform has been in operation since 2010, and it has a strong user base and positive reputation within the design community. The company behind Sketch, Sketch B.V., is a sustainable indie company, which further adds to its credibility. The platform is available as a Mac app for designers and a web app for broader collaboration and feedback. It supports various design tasks, from early wireframes to flexible design systems, and provides powerful vector editing capabilities. Additionally, Sketch offers features for prototyping, shared libraries, styles, and components, as well as support for color profiles and font management. It allows for the creation of reusable design templates and open .fig files. Sketch adapts to different workflows, whether users are working solo or in real-time collaboration. It provides offline and local file support, enabling users to store and sync their work. The platform also facilitates sharing feedback within the app and offers powerful file organization features. As a native Mac app, Sketch is optimized for Apple Silicon and provides customizable toolbars, as well as support for working in windows or tabs. It allows for drag and drop between apps and customizable shortcuts, ensuring a user-friendly and efficient design experience. In addition to the Mac app, Sketch offers a web app for sharing, feedback, and handoff. This web-based platform allows for collaboration in any web browser, reducing the need for back-and-forth communication and email attachments. It supports document organization, sharing, and synchronization, as well as tracking milestones. Users can add viewers for free and manage document and project permissions. The web app also includes developer handoff tools and facilitates testing prototypes in any browser. Sketch provides an iPhone and iPad app for previewing designs, allowing users to browse their workspace, view documents, mirror designs on their Mac, and preview prototypes from anywhere. The platform offers resources for those new to design, including ready-made templates, self-paced courses, and documentation. It also provides design tutorials and inspiring stories on its blog. Sketch is available for free, with the option to upgrade to a paid plan for additional features. The platform is frequently updated, and users can stay informed about the latest news and product updates through the Sketch newsletter. Overall, Sketch is a reputable and widely used platform in the design industry, known for its comprehensive features, user-friendly interface, and strong support for collaboration and prototyping. Its long history in the industry and positive reputation among professionals make it a safe and reliable choice for digital design projects.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable and widely used platform in the design industry, Comprehensive features for design, collaboration, prototyping, and handoff, Strong user base and positive reputation within the design community, Company behind Sketch, Sketch B.V., is a sustainable indie company, Available as a Mac app for designers and a web app for broader collaboration and feedback, Supports various design tasks, from early wireframes to flexible design systems, Powerful vector editing capabilities, Features for prototyping, shared libraries, styles, and components, Support for color profiles and font management, Creation of reusable design templates and open .fig files, Adapts to different workflows, whether users are working solo or in real-time collaboration, Provides offline and local file support for storing and syncing work, Facilitates sharing feedback within the app, Offers powerful file organization features, Native Mac app optimized for Apple Silicon, Customizable toolbars and support for working in windows or tabs, Allows for drag and drop between apps and customizable shortcuts, Web app for sharing, feedback, and handoff, Collaboration in any web browser, Document organization, sharing, and synchronization, Tracking milestones and managing document and project permissions, Developer handoff tools and testing prototypes in any browser, iPhone and iPad app for previewing designs, Resources for those new to design, including ready-made templates and self-paced courses, Design tutorials and inspiring stories on the Sketch blog, Available for free, with the option to upgrade to a paid plan for additional features, Frequently updated, Users can stay informed about the latest news and product updates through the Sketch newsletter
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

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