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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be the online presence of the law firm Shihab & Associates, which specializes in immigration law. The site provides information about the firm, its founder, Gus M. Shihab, and the team of immigration attorneys and staff. It also outlines the types of immigration cases the firm handles, such as employment-based immigration, family-based immigration, investor visas, and more. The site emphasizes the firm’s commitment to providing high-quality, affordable, and technologically advanced legal services to its clients. It also features testimonials from previous clients, a blog with immigration-related news and analysis, and contact information for the firm’s various office locations. The website is designed to be informative and user-friendly, with a clear focus on immigration law and the services offered by Shihab & Associates. It aims to establish the firm as a reputable and reliable option for individuals and organizations seeking legal assistance with immigration matters. The content on the site is professional and well-organized, providing a comprehensive overview of the firm’s areas of expertise and its approach to serving clients. It also includes information about the founder’s experience and the firm’s commitment to staying updated with changes in immigration law. Overall, the website appears to be a legitimate and informative online platform for Shihab & Associates, a law firm specializing in immigration law. It provides valuable information for individuals and organizations seeking legal assistance with immigration-related issues, and it presents the firm as a reputable and experienced option in this field.”

the reasons behind this review :
Professional and informative content, Clear focus on immigration law, Emphasis on the firm's commitment to high-quality and affordable legal services, Testimonials from previous clients, Blog with immigration-related news and analysis, Contact information for various office locations, User-friendly design and navigation, Emphasis on the founder's experience and the firm's commitment to staying updated with changes in immigration law, Overall, the website appears to be a legitimate and informative online platform for Shihab & Associates, a law firm specializing in immigration law. It provides valuable information for individuals and organizations seeking legal assistance with immigration-related issues, and it presents the firm as a reputable and experienced option in this field.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

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