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The website is for the School for Experiential Education (SEED), which is a center for teaching movement-based therapies and somatic exploration. It offers various courses, including live inner qigong classes, CPD courses, postgraduate certificate programs, self-study courses in experiential anatomy and inner qigong, and training courses in movement shiatsu. The site provides information about SEED’s vision, the courses they offer, their address, and links to their social media profiles and other resources. SEED’s approach emphasizes joyful and playful self-exploration, rather than a serious process of ‘getting better,’ and aims to train practitioners to involve clients more in their treatment and be aware of their bodies and postural patterns. The website also mentions that SEED runs postgraduate courses worldwide for body-based therapists and teaches courses in inner qigong and somatic exploration open to everyone who wants to explore themselves through the body. The site provides a calendar of international workshops, information about their CPD courses and postgraduate certificate program, and details about their live inner qigong classes, both online and face-to-face. It also offers self-study courses in experiential anatomy and inner qigong. The website includes an address for SEED and links to their social media profiles, such as Facebook and Twitter. It also mentions that the site is powered by WordPress and provides a link to their privacy policy. Overall, the website appears to be a legitimate platform for SEED, a center for teaching movement-based therapies and somatic exploration, and it provides comprehensive information about their courses, vision, and approach.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate organization, Offers various courses in movement-based therapies and somatic exploration, Emphasizes joyful and playful self-exploration, Trains practitioners to involve clients more in their treatment, Provides a calendar of international workshops, Offers live inner qigong classes online and face-to-face, Provides self-study courses in experiential anatomy and inner qigong, Mentions postgraduate courses for body-based therapists, Teaches courses in inner qigong and somatic exploration, Provides an address for SEED, Links to social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter), Mentions that the site is powered by WordPress, Provides a link to the privacy policy
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden