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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. SecuTix is a cloud-based ticketing solution designed for the event industry. It offers a range of features for various types of events, including sports, live entertainment, festivals, museums, and more. The platform provides tools for ticket sales, marketing, access control, business intelligence, and payment solutions. It also includes a mobile ticketing solution called Tixngo, which utilizes blockchain technology to provide secure and traceable digital tickets. SecuTix aims to help event organizers maximize revenue, engage with audiences, and enhance the overall event experience.

Key Features:

1. **S-360 Platform:** SecuTix’s S-360 is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform designed for event professionals. It offers integrated cloud-based solutions for ticketing, audience engagement, monetization, and operational security.

2. **Tixngo Mobile Ticketing:** Tixngo is a mobile ticketing solution that leverages blockchain technology to create unique, encrypted, and traceable digital tickets. This aims to reduce fraud and provide a safer and fairer ticketing experience for fans.

3. **Cloud Solutions:** SecuTix’s cloud-based solutions are designed to be flexible and adaptable to the needs of different businesses and their customers. They aim to maximize sales, optimize marketing, and provide robust access control and business intelligence.

4. **Revenue Generation:** The platform emphasizes revenue generation through online ticket sales and offers various tools to simplify multi-channel and multi-product sales.

5. **Audience Engagement:** SecuTix focuses on helping event organizers get closer to their audiences by providing actionable customer insights and adjusting offers to meet audience desires and needs.

6. **Access Control and Security:** The platform includes features for controlling visitor access, regulating visitor flow within venues, and analyzing visits through built-in reports. This can help enhance security and operational efficiency.

7. **Business Intelligence:** SecuTix emphasizes data-driven decision-making, enabling event organizers to make informed choices that unlock audience value, digitize experiences, and drive business growth.

8. **Partnerships:** The company highlights its collaborative approach, working with clients and partners to provide ticketing solutions that align with business and customer needs.

9. **Company Background:** SecuTix is described as being “born in the cloud” and backed by over 50 years of innovation. The company’s mission is to unlock the potential of the world’s best experiences in a secure and seamless manner.

10. **Client Base:** The website mentions that SecuTix has a significant client base, with 175 live customer sites across Europe and an annual revenue of €1.2 million generated by clients through marketing campaigns.

11. **Global Reach:** While the company’s client base is primarily in Europe, it’s worth noting that its solutions and technology may have broader applicability and relevance for event organizers worldwide.

Overall, based on the information provided on the website, SecuTix appears to be a legitimate and established player in the event industry, offering a comprehensive and technologically advanced ticketing solution. However, as with any business or service, it’s advisable for potential clients to conduct their own due diligence, including seeking references and evaluating the platform’s suitability for their specific event management needs.”

the reasons behind this review :
Cloud-based ticketing solution, S-360 platform for event professionals, Tixngo mobile ticketing with blockchain technology, Cloud solutions for flexibility and adaptability, Emphasis on revenue generation and audience engagement, Access control and security features, Focus on data-driven decision-making and business intelligence, Collaborative approach and partnerships, Company background and mission, Client base and revenue generation, Global reach and applicability.
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point