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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is typical of many scam websites. It uses several common tactics to create a sense of urgency and trust, such as offering a significant discount for a limited time, emphasizing the recommendation of medical professionals, and providing testimonials from supposed satisfied customers. These tactics are often used to manipulate visitors into making a purchase without thoroughly researching the product or the website.

Here are some specific red flags:

1. Unrealistic Claims: The website makes bold claims about the effectiveness of the product, such as improving blood flow by 78% and providing fast-acting relief from foot pain. These claims are exaggerated and not supported by credible scientific evidence.

2. Use of Emotional Language: The testimonials use emotional language to create a strong, positive association with the product. This is a common tactic in scam websites to manipulate visitors' emotions.

3. Lack of Scientific Evidence: While the website mentions "independent consumer tests" with specific percentages of pain relief, these claims are not backed up with verifiable scientific studies or references to reputable medical journals.

4. Overemphasis on Money-Back Guarantee: The repeated mention of a 180-day money-back guarantee is a tactic to create a false sense of security. In many cases, scam websites do not honor such guarantees, or they make the process of obtaining a refund extremely difficult.

5. Limited Time Offer: The website emphasizes a limited-time 50% discount, creating a sense of urgency to make a purchase. This is a common tactic in scam websites to pressure visitors into buying without careful consideration.

6. Lack of Detailed Product Information: The website provides very limited information about the actual technology and materials used in the product. Legitimate companies are usually transparent about the details of their products.

7. High Number of Positive Reviews: The website claims to have a high rating from over 13,000 customers, but this could be fabricated. It's common for scam websites to display fake or inflated review scores to build trust.

8. No Information on the Company: The website does not provide clear information about the company behind the product, such as its location, history, or contact details. Legitimate companies are usually transparent about their background.

9. Use of Fear-Based Marketing: The testimonials describe extreme pain and suffering before using the product, creating a sense of fear and desperation. This is a manipulative tactic often used in scam websites.

10. No Verifiable Customer Information: The testimonials are presented with full names and locations, but there is no way to verify the authenticity of these individuals or their experiences.

It's important to approach websites like this with caution. Always conduct thorough research on both the product and the company before making a purchase. Look for independent reviews from reputable sources, and be wary of websites that use high-pressure sales tactics or make unrealistic claims."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Claims, Use of Emotional Language, Lack of Scientific Evidence, Overemphasis on Money-Back Guarantee, Limited Time Offer, Lack of Detailed Product Information, High Number of Positive Reviews, No Information on the Company, Use of Fear-Based Marketing, No Verifiable Customer Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden