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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The content provided is from the official Cisco website, specifically from the section on configuring URL filtering for the Cisco Secure Email Gateway and Cloud Gateway. It is a technical guide that explains how to enable and configure URL filtering on these platforms, as well as best practices for its use. The document is structured as a step-by-step guide, providing detailed instructions on how to enable URL filtering, create URL filtering actions, and handle different types of URLs (untrusted, unknown, questionable, neutral, etc.). It also includes examples and screenshots from the Cisco Secure Email Gateway interface. The guide is intended for administrators or IT professionals responsible for managing and configuring the Cisco Secure Email Gateway and Cloud Gateway. It is a legitimate and valuable resource for those seeking to understand and implement URL filtering in the context of email security. The information provided is technical in nature and specific to the configuration of Cisco’s email security products. It is not promotional or commercial content, but rather a technical guide for IT professionals. The document is part of Cisco’s official documentation for its products and is hosted on the official Cisco website. The information is consistent with the type of technical documentation typically provided by Cisco for its products. It is not a promotional or commercial page, but rather a technical guide for configuring a specific feature of Cisco’s email security products. The content is focused on providing technical guidance and best practices for configuring URL filtering on the Cisco Secure Email Gateway and Cloud Gateway. It is not a marketing or sales-oriented page, but rather a technical resource for IT professionals. The document is part of Cisco’s official documentation for its products and is hosted on the official Cisco website. The information is consistent with the type of technical documentation typically provided by Cisco for its products. It is not a promotional or commercial page, but rather a technical guide for configuring a specific feature of Cisco’s email security products. The content is focused on providing technical guidance and best practices for configuring URL filtering on the Cisco Secure Email Gateway and Cloud Gateway. It is not a marketing or sales-oriented page, but rather a technical resource for IT professionals.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official Cisco documentation, Technical guide for IT professionals, Step-by-step instructions, Examples and screenshots provided, Focus on configuring URL filtering for email security, Not promotional or commercial content, Part of Cisco's official product documentation, Consistent with Cisco's technical documentation style, No marketing or sales-oriented language, Valuable resource for IT professionals responsible for email security.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden