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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Scotland’s People is a government website owned, operated, and managed by National Records of Scotland (NRS). It’s a reputable and official source for genealogical and historical research related to Scotland. The site provides access to a wide range of records, including birth, marriage, death, and census records, as well as legal and administrative records. Users can search for and order official certificates and explore various historical documents.

The site’s privacy policy and data protection measures are in line with government standards. It collects certain information from users, such as questions, queries, or feedback, but this is standard practice for improving user experience and providing necessary services. The site is transparent about the information it collects and how it’s used, and it follows legal and ethical guidelines for data protection.

Key points to consider:

1. Official Government Website: Scotland’s People is an official government website, which adds a layer of trust and reliability. It’s not a private or commercial entity.

2. Data Collection for Service Improvement: The site’s data collection is primarily for improving the website and providing better services. This is a common practice for websites, and the information collected is generally non-sensitive and used responsibly.

3. Transparent Privacy Policy: The site has a detailed privacy policy that outlines what information is collected, how it’s used, and the measures taken to ensure data security. This transparency is a positive sign.

4. Secure Transactions: The site mentions that payment transactions are made securely through a third-party provider, and it does not store payment details. This is a standard and secure practice for e-commerce transactions.

5. Legal Compliance and Data Protection: The site mentions its compliance with data protection laws and its commitment to keeping users’ data secure. This aligns with the expected standards for a government-operated platform.

6. User Control and Rights: The site acknowledges users’ rights regarding their personal data, such as access, rectification, and erasure. This demonstrates a commitment to data privacy and user control.

7. Official Contacts and Data Controller Information: The site provides clear contact information for the data controller and the data protection officer, which is important for transparency and accountability.

Overall, Scotland’s People is a safe and reliable platform for individuals interested in Scottish genealogy and historical research. Its status as a government-operated website, transparent privacy policy, and commitment to data protection are positive indicators of its trustworthiness.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official Government Website, Data Collection for Service Improvement, Transparent Privacy Policy, Secure Transactions, Legal Compliance and Data Protection, User Control and Rights, Official Contacts and Data Controller Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
