How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website raises several red flags that strongly suggest it is a scam:

Illegal Activity: The website openly promotes the creation and sale of fake identification cards, which is illegal in most jurisdictions. This alone is a clear indicator of a scam.

Unrealistic Claims: The site boasts a 99% scannable pass rate for its fake IDs, which is highly improbable. Legitimate identification documents have security features that are extremely difficult to replicate to this level.

Payment Methods: The site encourages the use of credit/debit cards, Zelle, and Bitcoin for payment. This is a common tactic among scam websites to make it difficult to trace and recover funds in case of fraud.

Free Shipping: Offering free shipping for illegal products is another tactic to attract customers, but it’s not a practice of legitimate businesses.

Professionalism: The website’s language and presentation are not consistent with legitimate businesses. There are numerous grammatical errors and awkward phrasing throughout the site.

Lack of Legal Disclaimers: Legitimate businesses engaged in the sale of identification documents would have extensive legal disclaimers and warnings about the illegal nature of their products. The absence of these is a significant red flag.

Domain Age: While the domain age is not necessarily a definitive indicator of a scam, the fact that it’s relatively new (less than 3 years) is consistent with many scam websites.

Location and Hosting: The website is hosted on a server associated with Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce conglomerate. While this alone is not indicative of a scam, it’s worth noting that many scam websites are hosted on servers associated with large international companies.

Overall, the combination of these factors strongly suggests that is a scam website. It’s important to avoid engaging with or supporting such sites, as they are involved in illegal activities and pose significant risks to consumers.”

the reasons behind this review :
Illegal Activity, Unrealistic Claims, Payment Methods, Free Shipping, Professionalism, Lack of Legal Disclaimers, Domain Age, Location and Hosting
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new